The Black Adam film is one that has been talked about for a long time—like, a decade long. The film has always been a passion project for Dwayne Johnson—known to many as The Rock.
In fact, before Black Adam started to come into existence, Warner Bros. successfully put out Shazam! , a film focused on a character that shares very close ties to Teth-Adam (Black Adam's true alias). It wasn't until recently that the Black Adam actually started to get a chance to become reality.
After various casting announcements, many of which included members of the Justice Society of America, Black Adam finally started filming. Fans have gotten a few glimpses behind the curtains but not much more.
It's likely that this year's upcoming DC FanDome will provide fans with their first real look at parts of the finished film. Until then, though, they'll just have to settle for more teases, and The Rock is happy to provide them...
On his Instagram, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson teased the origin of his character in the upcoming Black Adam film. This is an origin that also happens to include him being shirtless. So, of course, lots of prep work is involved, and Johnson is telling us all about it.
The post includes a picture of Johnson's midnight meal, which is casually mentioned to be buffalo and eggs. Of course, the food isn't the real takeaway here—it's Johnson's passion and discourse about the process involved, and how it relates to Teth-Adam.
In the caption for the post, Johnson wrote how "this diet is a real science:"
At midnight, I know it doesn’t look like much but this diet is a real science. Have a big scene this week for Black Adam that requires my shirt off. As many of you know, in the comic mythology - in the beginning, Teth Adam was blessed by the God’s as “The Champion” (before his rage turned his soul black)[.] Training hard, dieting down while pulling all sodium and every ounce of water and food is measured. Final 48hrs, here we go
The aforementioned meal can be seen in the picture below.

The Rock has been a loud advocate for his passion for the character of Teth-Adam, so it's no surprise that his dedication to the role applies to every meal the actor eats. It's always a pleasure when the key actor in a big role is so clearly passionate about everything involved with bringing them to life. So, it's likely safe for fans to be hopeful about how Black Adam will eventually turn out.
While past reports made it fairly clear that a good portion of the movie would likely take place in ancient times alongside Black Adam's origin, this Instagram post confirms that audiences will be witnessing a good chunk of fictional Egyptian history.
In the comics, Teth-Adam's journey as the all-powerful Black Adam starts out in 1200BC. The powerful prince of Kahndaq was originally set to make a deal with the mighty Wizard Shazam for his powers. However, instead of inheriting those powers when proclaiming the name Shazam, Teth-Adam is instead blessed with the power of six Egyptian gods—all thanks to a villainous deal brought into action by Shazam's demoness daughter, Blaze.
If that sounds complicated, that's because it is. It will be interesting to see how the film adapts everything, even more to how Black Adam's origin and power set will relate to the DCEU's Shazam!—whose sequel happens to be filming next door.
Black Adam is set to premiere on July 29, 2022.