Even though Ezra Miller's The Flash has yet to be released in theaters, there are already rumors about the DCEU's post-Flash plans and how they could involve the franchise's familiar favorites. One of the leading theories involves a Crisis on Infinite Earths event movie and yet another appearance by Ben Affleck's Batman.
However, there are two problems. The first is that the Warner Bros. Discovery merger made any DCEU plans uncertain; the second is that Batfleck is reportedly ready to retire the cowl for good. Still, since The Flash's Multiverse-style film is still moving forward, the Batman v Superman star isn't done just yet; and due to the plot, the door is open for Ben Affleck to return in the future.
Now, a new report suggests Warner Bros. is offering the star a Bruce Wayne-worthy fortune for him to return after The Flash, leading to additional information about the studio's plans for a Crisis on Infinite Earths film.
The Rumored Plan for Ben Affleck's Crisis Event Role

A recent rumor has surfaced claiming that Warner Bros. has offered Ben Affleck $30 million to reprise his role as the Dark Knight for a Crisis on Infinite Earths event-style film.
"Ben Affleck has been offered a staggering $30 million payday to come back to the DCEU as Batman and lead an adaptation of Crisis on Infinite Earths."
However, KC Walsh dismissed such reports, explaining the studio wouldn't pay Affleck more than it paid The Rock for Black Adam.
"That Affleck article is totally fake for 1 simple reason, there is no way any studio is paying Affleck 30+ million for a film, by comparison The Rock is currently the top paid actor in Hollywood and can get about 20 million offered, so a 30 million payday go Affleck is laughable."
In addition to refuting the $30 million offer, Walsh revealed more about Affleck's potential role on Twitter, revealing that he wouldn't be the lead of the planned Crisis event film.
"Now don’t think they bring back Affleck for a Crisis film? Yes, I’ve been saying Crisis is their event film for more than a year, but Affleck is not going to lead it and they certainly aren’t paying him 30 million to do so, they want their Endgame moment."
No Wayne Fortune in Store for Batfleck?
While it wouldn't be surprising to learn that Warner Bros. is courting Ben Affleck for a comeback, KC Walsh's argument against the report makes sense. A studio wouldn't offer Affleck more than Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson as the top paid actor in Hollywood, especially since Robert Pattinson is confirmed to return as Batman in a sequel to Matt Reeves' The Batman.
Also, why would the studio plan a film around an actor who's looking to leave the cape behind? Or pay a fortune for one who will only have a limited role?
There's also the fact that the current DC landscape is currently saturated with Caped Crusader content and will soon be home to three live-action Batmen when The Flash debuts in 2023. And, the new Warner Bros. Discovery CEO has made it known that he's interested in reviving other DC heavyweights, including Superman, and possibly taking the franchise in a new direction.
Given this new frame of mind, coupled with Ezra Miller's recent arrests and legal woes, it will be surprising if plans for this film event survive or aren't completely reworked.
Even so, it's unlikely that Warner Bros. has no interest in welcoming Affleck back to the fold. Perhaps the coming months and The Flash's theatrical performance will be telling in terms of the next film's future and Affleck's actual interest.
The Flash debuts in theaters on June 23, 2023.