It's no secret that the resounding success of Avengers: Endgame is still being felt today, as evidenced by continued discussion from fans. The mega-hit blockbuster from 2019 defied expectations by providing a captivating finale to the MCU's Infinity Saga while also laying the groundwork for the franchise's future.
One of the most memorable scenes from Endgame is the epic final battle featuring virtually every MCU hero that ever graced the screen. The sequence was filled with entertaining character moments and tense confrontations against the film's chief villain, Thanos.
A key moment from the battle was the much-awaited showdown between Captain Marvel and Thanos. The standoff between the two MCU heavyweights became a must-see during Endgame, but the fact that it was brief made fans clamor for more.
Now, a new interview may shed some more light on the face-off between the characters.
In a meet-and-greet event from the University of California, via Twitter, Brie Larson opened up why she thinks Captain Marvel is the strongest Avenger in the MCU.
While answering this question, the award-winning actress pointed out that Carol Danvers being the strongest is “just facts,” and she is “just going to keep starting that rumor:”
“I mean obviously, I think I'm the strongest one 'cause I'm just going to keep starting that rumor. Why is it Captain Marvel? I didn't know. I didn't write it. It is just how it is. It's just facts. I don't make up these facts.”
When further pressed if she really thinks Danvers is the most formidable hero, Larson insisted that the character is, claiming that “Thanos cheated” during the final battle of Avengers: Endgame.
The rising MCU star then shared that the debate on which MCU character is really the strongest is “such a fun game to play,” admitting that she is always going to be biased when it comes to giving the Captain Marvel character an advantage:
“Yeah, I mean listen. It's such a fun game to play. I love the question 'cause I obviously like uh the tongue-in-cheek thing with Chris Hemsworth about it because he said that he is the strongest one, so it's all fun. I honestly think that whoever character you love is the strongest, but I'm biased, I'm going to say it's me.”
The snippet of the interview can be seen below.
Special thanks to @emmon94 on Twitter for sharing Larson's quote and additional details with The Direct.
Avengers: Endgame plays host to a lot of interesting debates from the MCU fandom, and it's clear that one of them is about the topic of the strongest Avenger. This isn't a surprise considering that every hero is present in the final battle, and comparisons are sure to be made.
Larson's comments indicate that she chose Captain Marvel due to the character's comic-book roots, which is a good starting point when laying out facts during a debate. If anything, this goes to show the passion of the actress towards her MCU hero.
Meanwhile, an interesting takeaway from the interview is Larson's claim about Thanos. Fans should be aware by now that Captain Marvel's powers came from the Space Stone, and Thanos' act of using the Power Stone could serve as a strategy to level the playing field.
If the villain did indeed cheat, it's not pretty out of character for a nefarious character like Thanos to do it, knowing full well that he will do whatever it takes to reach his goal. In any case, this latest comment from Larson could be a playful one, but this doesn't change the hatred of Danvers towards the Mad Titan.
Hopefully, an expanded explanation of Captain Marvel's ill will with Thanos will be explored in Captain Marvel 2.