According to one insider, Avengers: Secret Wars could look awfully similar to Avengers: Endgame when it comes to one particular plot device.
Avengers 6 may be more than three years away, but speculation is rampant surrounding the final film of the MCU's Multiverse Saga.
The film, sporting the same name as Marvel's ultimate Multiverse comic event, is looking like it is going to be a Multiversal epic for the ages, as a number of legacy Marvel characters are expected to join the heroes of the MCU.
The last Avengers film Endgame was always going to be "hard to top;" (according to actor Mark Ruffalo) however, the Marvel Studios team is confident it will be "a big bang" for the franchise.
And it turns out Secret Wars may actually look to Endgame for some inspiration in its script.
A Time (and Space) Heist

According to known YouTuber Heavy Spoilers, Avengers: Secret Wars is prepared to steal one plot device from Avengers: Endgame for the Multiverse-spanning epic.
In a Tweet, Heavy Spoilers remarked that from what he's heard, Avengers 6 will basically be Endgame's time travel plot except "instead of going to key points in the MCU," Earth's Mightiest Heroes will have to travel "to key universes across the wider Marvel universe:"
"From what I’ve heard about #AvengersSecretWars they basically wanna do Endgame but with the multiverse instead of time travel. Instead of going to key points in the MCU like they did with AE they’ll be travelling to key universes across the wider Marvel universe."
This report corroborates a number of recent rumors regarding the MCU Multiverse Saga finale.
Both Fox's X-Men actors and Sony's classic Spider-Men (Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield) have supposedly been eyed for the Multiversal sequel, with no official confirmation on either. At this point, the speculation is that Marvel Studios is actively trying "to get as many heavy hitters as they can" for Avengers 6.
It has been mentioned that Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige wants an Endgame-esque Portals scene for the blockbuster without the limit of just MCU character appearing, but legacy Marvel characters as well.
Avengers: Secret Wars will be the Ultimate Marvel Movie
If fans thought it could not get any bigger than Endgame, from the sound of things, just wait and see what Marvel Studios is cooking up with Secret Wars.
As was the case with the comic event bearing the same name, this is the Marvel Multiverse story to end all Multiverse stories. This is going to be an event, in like anything audiences have ever seen.
This means studio lines will likely be breached, characters thought dead and gone will return, and fans will almost surely weep profusely. Not to say Avengers 6 will be the final MCU film, but if these recent reports are to be believed, it sure as hell could be.
Right now, work on the super-powered epic is still very early. A writer has been announced, in Doctor Strange in the Mulitverse of Madness' Michael Waldron, but aside from that, not a tonne has been talked about in any official capacity.
For now, all fans have to hold onto are reports and rumors such as this. However, it is looking like the Multiverse Saga send-off will be a good one!
Avengers: Secret Wars comes to theaters on May 1, 2026