The Arrowverse is filled with exciting moments and heart-stopping crossovers among DC's finest heroes that spanned years of worthwhile entertainment on The CW.
The small-screen DC shared universe consists of six live-action superhero shows, namely Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and Black Lightning.
DC's small screen behemoth ran for 11 years, starting with Arrow in 2012 and ending with The Flash in 2023.
It also features two spin-off shows set on a different Earth: Superman & Lois and Stargirl.
How To Watch the Arrowverse in Chronological Order
1.) Arrow (Seasons 1 and 2)

Given that the Arrowverse began with Arrow, it's fitting to start a rewatch with the Stephen Amell-led series.
Arrow Season 1 introduced Oliver Queen as the hero who started it all while Season 2 featured the debut of Grant Gustin's Barry Allen, with one episode serving as the backdoor pilot for The Flash.
It also laid the groundwork for exciting supporting characters that would later cross over into other shows, such as David Ramsey's John Diggle and Emily Beck Richards' Felicity Smoke.
2.) The Flash (Season 1)

The Flash Season 1 fleshed out the origin story of Barry Allen, introduced the Reverse Flash, and marked the first Arrowverse crossover between the Scarlet Speedster and the Green Arrow in Episode 8.
3.) Arrow (Season 3)

Arrow Season 3 featured the debut of Ra's Al Ghul and continued the mini-crossover with The Flash in its eighth episode.
Worlds collided again between the two shows through Barry's rescue mission to save Team Arrow in the opening moments of its finale.
4.) Constantine

Constantine introduced Matt Ryan's John Constantine in the shared universe.
The character later played a major part in DC's Legends of Tomorrow and the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event (more on that later).
5.) The Flash (Season 2 A)

Up to & including Season 2, Episode 7
The first part of The Flash Season 2 marked the debut of Zoom and the concept of the Multiverse. This half also introduced Jefferson "Jax" Jackson as the new partner of Dr. Martin Stein as Firestorm.
6.) Arrow (Season 4 A)

Up to & including Season 4, Episode 7
Arrow Season 4's first half revolves around the successful resurrection of Sara Lance, the introduction of Damien Dahrk, and a mini crossover with Constantine where the titular hero helps restore Sara's soul.
7.) Vixen: The Movie

Vixen: The Movie introduced Mari McCabe as the titular hero before making her live-action debut in Arrow Season 4 Episode 15.
8.) Legends of Yesterday Crossover Event

The Flash Season 2 Episode 8 (Part 1) & Arrow Season 4 Episode 8 (Part 2)
Legends of Yesterday is a two-part Arrowverse crossover event that served as the backdoor pilot for DC's Legends of Tomorrow. The episodes introduced Vandal Savage and marked the first time that the Arrowverse heroes joined forces against a common enemy.
9.) Arrow (Season 4 B: Post-Legends of Yesterday)

Season 4 Episode 9 & onwards
The second half of Arrow Season 4 featured the deaths of Damien Dahrk and Laurel Lance, changing Oliver Queen forever.
10.) The Flash (Season 2 B: Post-Legends of Today)

Season 2 Episode 8 & onwards
The Flash Season 2's second half featured the Arrowverse's first Multiverse exploration when Barry and Cisco traveled to Earth-2. It also included the death of Zoom and the introduction of Earth-2's Laurel Lance, who later served a big role in Arrow Season 5.
11.) Supergirl (Season 1)

Supergirl Season 1 introduced Melissa Benoist's titular hero. Although it was set on Earth-38, it featured an exciting crossover with Grant Gustin's Flash that set up Kara Danvers' role in future Arrowverse shows.
12.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1)

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 chronicled the first time travel adventure of Rip Hunter and his band of misfits, namely Sara Lance, Firestorm, Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl), Carter Hall, and Ray Palmer aka the Atom. The team went up against Vandal Savage.
13.) Supergirl (Season 2 A)

Up to & including Season 2, Episode 7
Supergirl Season 2 introduced Tyler Hoechlin's Superman, the arrival of the Daxamites, Cyborg Superman, and the White Martians.
14.) The Flash (Season 3 A)

Up to & including Season 3, Episode 7
The Flash Season 3's first part featured Flashpoint, the debut of Savitar, Wally West getting his powers, and a hint of Caitlin Snow's transformation into Killer Frost.
15.) Arrow (Season 5 A)

Up to & including Season 5, Episode 7
The first half of Arrow Season 5 introduced new Team Arrow recruits (Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific, and Evelyn Sharpe) and a dangerous villain named Prometheus.
16.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 2 A)

Up to & including Season 2, Episode 7
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2's first half featured the debut of new team members Nate Heywood (Captain Steel) and Amaya Jiwe (Vixen), the introduction of the Justice Society of America (JSA), and the returns of Reverse Flash and Damien Dahrk.
17.) Invasion! Crossover event

- The Flash Season 3 Episode 8 (Part 1)
- Arrow Season 5 Episode 8 (Part 2)
- DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 8 (Part 3)
Invasion! is a three-part crossover event that brought together the heroes of The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl for the first time. The team went on in an epic battle against the Dominators while also serving as Kara Danvers' (Supergirl) first appearance on Earth-1.
18.) Supergirl (Season 2 B: Post-Invasion)

Season 2, Episode 8 & onwards
The post-Invasion timeline of Supergirl Season 2 revolved around the debut of Miss Martian, the invasion of the Daxamites, and the clash between a brainwashed Superman and the titular Girl of Steel.
19.) The Flash (Season 3 B: Post-Invasion)

Season 3, Episode 9 & onwards
The second half of The Flash Season 3 chronicled how Team Flash went all-in in trying to find a way to prevent Savitar from killing Iris West. It also featured mini-crossovers with Supergirl (the first Arrowverse musical) and Legends of Tomorrow.
20.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 2 B: Post-Invasion)

Season 2, Episode 9 & onwards
The second half of Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 featured the final battle between the titular DC superhero team and the Legion of Doom (a team comprised of Reverse Flash, Damien Dahrk, and Malcolm Merlyn).
21.) Arrow (Season 5 B: Post-Invasion)

Season 5, Episode 9 & onwards
Arrow Season 5's second half featured the reintroduction of Earth-2's Laurel Lance, Dinah Drake's involvement in Team Arrow, and the final battle between the Green Arrow and Prometheus.
22.) Supergirl (Season 3 A)

Up to & including Season 3, Episode 7
The first half of Supergirl Season 3 showed the debut of its big bad, Reign, and Mon-El's return and a hint at the debut of the Legion of Superheroes.
23.) Arrow (Season 6 A)

Up to & including Season 6, Episode 7
Arrow Season 6's first part featured John Diggle taking the mantle of Green Arrow, the return of Deathstroke, and Team Arrow's battles with Black Siren.
24.) The Flash (Season 4 A)

Up to & including Season 4, Episode 7
The first part of The Flash Season 4 featured Barry Allen and Iris West's preparation for their wedding and the introduction of the Thinker and Ralph Dibny aka the Elongated Man.
25.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 3 A)

Up to & including Season 3, Episode 7
Legends of Tomorrow Season 3's first part revolved around the introduction of new members Wally West and Zari, the arrival of the Time Bureau, and the return of Rip Hunter.
26.) Crisis on Earth-X (Four-Part Crossover Event)

- Supergirl Season 3 Episode 8 (Part 1)
- Arrow Season 6 Episode 8 (Part 2)
- The Flash Season 4 Episode 8 (Part 3)
- Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Episode 8 (Part 4)
Crisis on Earth-X is a four-part Arrowverse crossover event that featured the invasion of the titular Earth's Nazi regime on Earth-1 that ruined Barry Allen and Iris West's wedding. It featured an epic mega team-up of heroes across the four shows and the death of Martin Stein (the other half of Firestorm).
27.) Supergirl (Season 3 B: Post-Crisis on Earth-X)

Season 3, Episode 9 & onwards
The second part of Supergirl Season 3 featured Kara's fight against Reign and the Worldkillers, Winn Schott's departure, and the introduction of Argo City.
28.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 3 B: Post-Crisis on Earth-X)

Season 3, Episode 9 & onwards
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 3's second part revolved around mini crossovers with Constantine and Jonah Hex, Jax's departure, and the team's clash against Mallus.
29.) Arrow (Season 6 B: Post-Crisis on Earth-X)

Season 6, Episode 9 & onwards
The second half of Arrow Season 6 featured Team Arrow's epic clash with Roberto Diaz, which ended with the game-changing moment where Oliver Queen decided to reveal himself as the Green Arrow.
30.) The Flash (Season 4 B: Post-Crisis on Earth-X)

Season 4, Episode 9 & onwards
The Flash Season 4's second part featured Team Flash's final clash against the Thinker and the introduction of Nora West-Allen, Barry and Iris' daughter from the future.
31.) The Flash (Season 5 A)

Up to & including Season 5, Episode 8
The first part of The Flash Season 5 featured the bond between Nora West-Allen and Barry Allen and Cicada's arrival.
32.) Arrow (Season 7 A)

Up to & including Season 7, Episode 8
Arrow Season 7's first part spent most of its story with Oliver Queen in prison after revealing himself as the Green Arrow. It also featured the debut of Emiko Queen (Oliver's half-sister) and Oliver's eventual release from prison.
33.) Supergirl (Season 4 A)

Up to & including Season 4, Episode 8
Supergirl Season 4's first part featured Brainiac-5's inclusion at the DEO, Nia Nal's (Dreamer) debut, and the introduction of Agent Liberty.
34.) Elseworlds Crossover

- The Flash Season 5 Episode 9 (Part 1)
- Arrow Season 7 Episode 9 (Part 2)
- Supergirl Season 4 Episode 9 (Part 3)
Elseworlds is a three-part crossover featuring The Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow. The story sets up the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths with the introduction of the Monitor and the Book of Destiny while also marking the first appearance of Tyler Hoechlin's Superman and Ruby Rose's Batwoman in the main Arrowverse.
35.) Arrow (Season 7 B: Post-Elseworlds)

Season 7, Episode 10 & onwards
The second part of Arrow Season 7 chronicled the clash between Oliver and Emiko Queen while also setting up Oliver's major role in Crisis on Infinite Earths and the show's final season.
36.) The Flash (Season 5 B: Post-Elseworlds)

Season 5, Episode 10 & onwards
The Flash Season 5's second part featured the return of Reverse Flash and Nora West-Allen's sacrifice.
37.) Supergirl (Season 4 B: Post-Elseworlds)

Season 4, Episode 10 & onwards
Supergirl Season 4's second part featured the introduction of Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor, Red Daughter's debut, and the Monitor releasing Martian Manhunter's brother on Earth-38.
38.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 4)

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 revolved around Constantine's full-time status as a member of the team, Nora Dahrk's redemption, and the team's clash against Neron. It is a standalone season with no crossovers with other shows.
39.) Supergirl (Season 5 A: Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths)

Up to & including Season 5, Episode 8
Supergirl Season 5's first part featured Leviathan's clash with Team Supergirl and James Olsen's departure.
40.) Batwoman (Season 1 A: Pre-Crisis)

Up to & including Season 1, Episode 8
Batwoman Season 1's first part chronicled Kate Kane's conflict with her sister Beth aka Alice and a deeper look at the Arrowverse's Gotham City.
41.) The Flash (Season 6 A: Pre-Crisis)

Up to & including Season 6, Episode 8
The first part of The Flash Season 6 featured Team Flash's reaction to Barry's impending sacrifice in Crisis while also exploring their conflict with the monstrous Bloodwork.
42.) Arrow (Season 8 A: Pre-Crisis)

Up to & including Season 8, Episode 7
The first seven episodes of Arrow's final season revolved around Oliver Queen making peace with his past and present while also meeting his grown-up kids, Mia and William, for the first time.
43.) Crisis on Infinite Earths (Arrowverse's Mega-Crossover Event)

- Supergirl Season 5 Episode 9 (Part 1)
- Batwoman Season 1 Episode 9 (Part 2)
- The Flash Season 6 Episode 9 (Part 3)
- Arrow Season 8 Episode 8 (Part 4)
- DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 Episode 1 (Part 5)
The Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths event brought the DC universe together like never before. It featured the epic cameos of different characters from past and present projects (notably Ezra Miller's Flash and Tom Welling's Superman) as well as Oliver Queen's transformation as the Spectre and his death.
It also managed to merge Supergirl's world with Earth-Prime, making it easy for the shows to crossover in the future.
44.) Arrow (Season 8 - last two episodes)

The last two episodes of Arrow served as the perfect send-off to Oliver Queen with a funeral filled with cameos and a backdoor pilot to the Green Arrow and the Canaries spin-off.
45.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow (Season 5)

After Crisis, DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 featured the team's time-traveling adventures to stop Astra from her nefarious goals.
46.) The Flash (Season 6 B: Post-Crisis)

Season 6, Episode 10 & onwards
The second part of The Flash Season 6 revolved around Team Flash's fight with Mirror Master and Iris being trapped in the Mirrorverse.
47.) Supergirl (Season 5 B: Post-Crisis)

Season 5, Episode 10, & onwards
Supergirl Season 5's second part chronicled how Team Supergirl adjusted to the post-Crisis changes of them being on Earth-Prime while also continuing the fight against the combined forces of Lex Luthor and Leviathan.
48.) Batwoman (Season 1 B: Post-Crisis)

Season 1, Episode 10 & onwards
Batwoman Season 1's second part continued the conflict between Kate Kane and Alice while also establishing Team Batwoman as the main protectors of Gotham City.
49.) Black Lightning (Seasons 1-4)

Black Lightning chronicled the story of Jefferson Pierce as he balanced his life as a superhero and a father.
The hero made his Arrowverse debut in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event and was later recruited to be part of the Justice League.
50.) Supergirl (Season 6)

Supergirl Season 6 served as the show's final season, and it featured Kara's final fight against Lex Luthor and the eventual revealing of her secret identity to the rest of the world.
51.) Batwoman (Seasons 2 and 3)

While Batwoman Seasons 2 and 3 are mostly standalone, the main difference is that Kate Kane was replaced by Ryan Wilder as the new Batwoman to protect Gotham City.
52.) The Flash Season 7

The Flash Season 7 featured the continuation of the Mirrorverse arc, the debut of Bart Allen aka Impulse, and the Godspeed war storyline.
It also served as the final season of Carlos Valdez's Cisco Ramon.
53.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 6

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 featured the aftermath of Sara Lance being abducted by aliens and Constantine's departure from the team.
54.) DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 7

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 was the final season of the series that featured Booster Gold's arrival, Gideon's human form, and Nate's retirement.
55.) The Flash Season 8

The Flash Season 8 featured the Armageddon crossover event that featured the likes of Atom and Batwoman and the arrival of Despero.
This season also introduced Deathstorm and the Negative Speed Force.
56.) The Flash Season 9

The Flash Season 9 served as the Arrowverse's perfect send-off as it featured a plethora of mini crossovers featuring characters from Arrow, Batwoman, and Supergirl.
Aside from the crossovers, the final season also featured Iris' pregnancy journey and the return of several iconic Flash villains like the Reverse Flash, Zoom, and Eddie Thawne's comeback as Cobalt Blue.
Here is the full chronological order of the Arrowverse starting from Arrow Season 1 and ending with The Flash Season 9:
- Arrow (Seasons 1 and 2)
- The Flash (Season 1)
- Arrow (Season 3)
- Constantine
- The Flash (Season 2 (A))
- Arrow (Season 4 (A))
- Vixen: The Movie
- Arrow (Season 4 (B): Post-Legends of Yesterday)
- The Flash (Season 2 (B): Post-Legends of Today)
- Supergirl (Season 1)
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 1)
- Supergirl (Season 2 (A))
- The Flash (Season 3 (A))
- Arrow (Season 5 (A))
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 2 (A))
- Supergirl (Season 2 (B): Post-Invasion)
- The Flash (Season 3 (B): Post-Invasion)
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 2 (B): Post-Invasion)
- Arrow (Season 5 (B): Post-Invasion)
- Supergirl (Season 3 (A))
- Arrow (Season 6 (A))
- The Flash (Season 4 (A))
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 3 (A))
- Supergirl Season 3 (B): Post-Crisis on Earth-X)
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (season 3 (B): Post-COE-X)
- Arrow (Season 6 (B): Post-COE-X)
- The Flash (Season 4 (B): Post-COE-X)
- The Flash (Season 6 (A))
- Arrow (Season 7 (A))
- Supergirl (Season 4 (A))
- Arrow (Season 7 (B): Post-Else Worlds)
- The Flash (Season 5 (B): Post-Else Worlds)
- Supergirl (Season 4 (B)): Post-Else Worlds)
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 4)
- Supergirl (Season 5 (A): Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths)
- Batwoman (Season 1 (A): Pre-Crisis)
- The Flash (Season 6 (A): Pre-Crisis)
- Arrow (Season 8 (A): Pre-Crisis)
- Crisis on Infinite Earths (CW Arrowverse crossover event)
- Arrow (Season 8; Episodes 9 and 10 are the final two episodes of the series)
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 5)
- The Flash (Season 6 (B): Post-Crisis)
- Supergirl (Season 5 (B): Post-Crisis)
- Batwoman (Season 1 (B): Post-Crisis)
- Black Lightning (Seasons 1-4)
- Supergirl (Season 6)
- Batwoman (Seasons 2 and 3)
- The Flash (Season 7)
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 6)
- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Season 7)
- The Flash (Season 8)
- The Flash (Season 9)
The Arrowverse shows are available to stream on Netflix, Max, and The CW app.