The second DC Fandome event is well underway, opting to unleash a wide range videos-on-demand as opposed to the live format of the previous event.
The event has already brought new details with it, including the announcement of the fourth season of Young Justice with the subtitle 'Phantoms.' Baby Yoda may also have a new rival over at DC, thanks to the announcement that an infant Bruce Wayne will be arriving in the second season of Pennyworth.
Although this event has had a larger focus on DC's television series', that has not stopped its films from receiving new information. Zack Snyder's Justice League may have a new title, as revealed by some wallpapers. The Batman also saw new promotional images, showing off Robert Pattinson suited up as the Dark Knight.
A new video on DC FanDome provided new looks at the behind-the-scenes of several DC projects...
The Lights on Leavesden video in the InsiderVerse section of DC FanDome provided some new behind-the-scenes footage, as found by Reddit user u/bewarey. These provide glimpses at the production of Justice League and Wonder Woman 1984:

Behind-the-scenes of the football scene from Justice League is seen, which was ultimately cut from the theatrical version of the film. The scene will make its reappearance in the upcoming Snyder Cut, though. Plastic sheeting covers the camera to protect it from the airborne debris.

More BTS footage of the football stadium, displaying how much of the scene is CGI and how much is a practical set.

Comparing the behind-the-scenes shots to the final scene presented in the recent trailer.

This appears to show Diane Lane's Martha Kent drinking coffee. It is unclear as to what location this could be, but it is likely that it is either the Smallville homestead or during the meeting with Lois Lane where Martha reveals she is actually Martian Manhunter.

Zack Snyder bears a flaming torch in this BTS photo, which appears to be the same one that Diana Prince holds as she uncovers the history of Darkseid. More historical murals from this scene can be seen behind the crew.

Zack Snyder pushes away a length of red fabric. This location bears a resemblance to the Batcave, so this might be from the shot of Bruce Wayne looking at a holographic recording of Superman. This could indicate that the cape used in this scene is indeed practical, rather than CGI.

This BTS image shows off a video screen playing back camera footage. It is difficult to say for certain, but the individual is likely to be Batman inside or around the Flying Fox. However, this armored figure noticeably lacks a cape. This could point to the possibility that this is actually Deathstroke, although this is less likely.

The featurette also provided a behind-the-scenes look at Wonder Woman 1984, providing a glimpse at the set for the Smithsonian lab.

The last image seems to be a look at the interior of the Smithsonian set, showing off its props and smaller details. It does resemble the previous image, although it could alternatively be an image of STAR Labs from Justice League.
This is just a small taste of what this short video featurette has to offer, which also has production footage from Wonder Woman and Pennyworth.
Many new details have been uncovered from just this small set of clips, including a new look at Martha Kent in the film, more of the search for Darkseid's history, and a potential unconfirmed Deathstroke inclusion. This could indicate that there is plenty more behind-the-scenes footage from Zack Snyder's Justice League that has yet to be seen, considering the vast amount of footage that was originally cut which is now being put back into the mini-series.
Zack Snyder's Justice League launches on HBO Max in 2021, with Wonder Woman 1984 set to hit theaters this Christmas.