It's no secret that there's a lot riding on Robert Pattinson's career in the year leading up to Matt Reeve's The Batman , as Pattinson gears up to become the tenth actor to portray the Dark Knight on the big screen. Many were shocked to see Pattinson be cast as Bruce Wayne, and many have since cast their doubts on how his performance will be, as his resume doesn't exactly mirror that of other superhero movie stars like Chris Hemsworth or Robert Downey Jr.
Despite this, Pattinson's background is quietly impressive, immersing him in many different genres of film throughout his career. From the Twilight series to thrillers like Good Time and The Lighthouse , Pattinson has shown some serious range, as well as dedication to roles outside his comfort zone. Now he has made it clear that his commitment to this new role as the Batman will be just as definitive as any other role he's taken.
In a recent interview with Healthy for Men magazine, Robert Pattinson opened up about the way he approached taking the role of Bruce Wayne, which can be seen in photos of the magazine excerpt posted on Twitter.
One intriguing point is when Pattinson explains that a lot of his decision to take on the role had to do with the physical aspect of the job:
"In every project I've ever taken on, I've come into it wanting to learn and achieve new things. That's usually in the embodiment of a character, and someone who has a different personality to me; but taking on a full physical transformation as well feels even more exciting."
What's more interesting, though, is Pattinson's explanation of his hesitancy to take the role, based on his self-assessed merit.
"Any actor will go through periods where they'll hesitate and question whether they can live up to a character in a script, or the expectations that go with it... You look at the true warriors of the superhero genre -- Hemsworth, The Rock, Downey Jr, Evans -- and wonder if you're putting yourself in the wrong place. And yet, having spoken to a few, I know everyone is nervous when the opportunity comes about."
Robert Pattinson seems to be on the right track to creating a successful superhero flick. He recognizes the industry he's stepping into, and he's studying it and learning from it. Self-awareness plays a huge role in his line of work, and he seems to have a pretty clear picture of where he sees himself.
What's most commendable about Pattinson's self-analysis is his recognition of those who stand atop the industry that he's jumping into head-first. He sees the success that the likes of Chris Evans and The Rock have found in this field, which should be encouraging to fans that Pattinson is familiar with the industry, so that he can better learn what fans want from it.
Getting a taste of Pattinson's decision-making process that he went through when considering the role of Batman is fascinating to say the least. Learning a bit of the details of what enticed him about the role, as well as what intimidated him, is refreshing, and goes a long way to tell fans that Pattinson is fully committed to making the best of his role in 2021's The Batman .