There have been a lot of Star Wars games made to date, with many more to come in the future. One of the more recent hits was Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which followed former Jedi Cal Kestis, attempting to survive after Order 66, while he tries to keep the Jedi Order from dying out completely.
More recently, EA Games lost their exclusivity deal when it comes to making Star Wars games, which has led to many new titles being put into development. Games such as Ubisoft's upcoming open-world Star Wars project, and even a potential game for The Mandalorian series. Older games such as Star Wars: Republic Commando have even seen re-releases in recent years.
There is, however, one game that often slips through the cracks, but is still to this day alive and kicking—and that's none other than Star Wars: The Old Republic. The PC MMORPG has been around since 2011 and has released seven different expansions. Now, it seems it's time for its eighth.

Thanks to a leaked press release from French EA, reported by Reddit user u/FlyingScotsmanZA, the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion has been leaked ahead of the scheduled live stream later today.
The expansion will be titled Legacy of the Sith and is said to mark the start of an exciting new era for the successful MMORPG.
"Legacy of the Sith will continue to develop the story of Star Wars: The Old Republic in the ever-moving Star Wars universe , immersing players in a military campaign to capture a planet vital to their faction in order to to uncover the ultimate plan of the renegade Sith, Darth Malgus. This expansion will also bring improvements to the SWTOR gaming experience, thanks to a new feature, Combat Styles, which expands player options and adds many quality of life improvements."
The expansion is set to launch this holiday season on the PC via SWTOR.com and Steam. The expansion will also kick off an event celebrating the 10th anniversary of the game, which will take place throughout 2022, bringing alongside it new content, events, updates, and more.
Even more details about what players can expect were unveiled, including "the aquatic planet of Manaan."
"The Legacy of the Sith expansion will take players on an adventure to the far reaches of the galaxy, including the aquatic planet of Manaan, in pursuit of Darth Malgus. This major update will increase the maximum level players will be able to reach by 5 levels, up to level 80. Sizable new challenges will be introduced in Star Wars: The Old Republic, along with new collaboration missions, such as a contentious area in a mountain-top tomb on the isolated planet of Elom, and an operation in the remains of a space research station."
One of the key new features touted for the expansion is something called Fighting Styles, which "allow players to fulfill their wildest Star Wars dreams..."
"Fighting Styles allow players to fulfill their wildest Star Wars dreams by choosing a specific class story and combining it with powers from other tech or Force-using classes. All players old and new alike can look forward to upgrades for their next Star Wars character thanks to a revamped character creation system. Additionally, item and equipment updates, as well as standardization of class designs, will further improve the Star Wars: The Old Republic for all players."
SWTOR has always been a game that has provided its players with many Sith-centric storylines, on top of its other varied focuses. There is something that makes this one feel different though, the upcoming show The Acolyte.
While the two storylines exist thousands of years apart, they both provide some Sith-led stories, and while it could be a coincidence, it's at the very least a likely plot by Lucasfilms to increase the general interest in the Sith Order.
While Legacy of the Sith expansion is set for release later this year, The Acolyte's release is a far bigger mystery. At the very least, fans just recently got an update on its overall production, with the show being revealed to start production in London in February 2022.
While that doesn't give away its actual release date, it's probably safe to say that it will release sometime shortly after both Andor and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Until then, at least, fans will have The Old Republic to play, a game that doesn't seem like it will die anytime soon.