Rumors have been circulating for months that Kamala Khan would be getting new powers for her Ms. Marvel Disney+ series. Apparently, this new power will be purple light-constructs similar to DC’s Green Lantern.
However, it’s unknown whether this will be an addition on top of her elastic powers from the comics or completely replace them for the MCU.
On the other hand, fans were delighted when they finally saw Kamala Khan's costume for the Ms. Marvel series in set photos.
Now, a new leak gives fans an even better look at this costume and confirms these new powers.
Official promotional material for Ms. Marvel leaked, showing Iman Vellani's Kamala Kahn in her superhero costume and displaying an unfamiliar power as her left forearm is seen surrounded by purple crystallized light.

More patterns on the costume can be distinguished along with the costume itself including some purple accents to match with her new powers.

Comparing the costume to the comics, the biggest difference between the two is that the design in the comics has long blue footwear while Vellani's costume boasts red converse sneakers.
Additionally, Vellani doesn't seem to be wearing Kamala's family bracelet, unless it's being covered by the light construct on her arm.
In the comics, Kamala only ever had elastic powers similar to Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four. So, it's strange that Marvel Studios felt the need to give her another set of powers—something it hasn't done for any other character.
Is it possible that Marvel Studios has given her this new power to even the odds with Monica Rambeau and Carol Danvers when she joins them in The Marvels? Yet, has Marvel Studios completely changed her abilities to not clash with Mr. Fantastic when he eventually shows up?
The latter seems ridiculous on its face since it would drastically change the character from the comics, but rumors seem to point to these new light construct powers having great prominence in this series. Hopefully, it's just an addition on top of Kamala's elastic powers, and that those will be confirmed soon.
Ms. Marvel is reportedly scheduled to release on Disney+ in late 2021 or early 2022.