One of the key components of Marvel Studios’ recent Disney+ series Moon Knight was how disconnected it was from the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The inter-connectivity of the world is what makes the MCU so unique—but the Oscar Isaac-led series steered away from that so it could carve out its own creepy corner of Universe-616.
But does that mean the show always intended to include little to no references to the wider superhero world? After all, there were rumors of Hulk, Werewolf by Night, and even Sharon Carter having roles to play.
In a recent interview with The Direct, the series’ head writer and executive producer Jeremy Carver confirmed that at one point in time, he wanted to have the Eternals cameo. But how close was that to really happening?
Moon Knight Producer on Cut Cameos

While speaking as a guest on the Phase Zero podcast, Moon Knight producer Grant Curtis commented on why the recently revealed cut Eternals cameo wasn’t needed.
So when did the idea of the Eternals come up? Curtis noted that it was in the “early days,” and admitted that it’s usually “the knee jerk reaction [to] try to ask if you can play with all the toys”:
“Early days… It’s such an incredible universe that Kevin, Lou, Victoria have created over the years with obviously a lot of other incredible producers at Marvel. And the kneejerk reaction is to try to ask if you can play with all the toys, whoever that might be. Who has travelled in and out of the Moon Knight universe on the comic book pages?”
The producer mentioned how “those connections just did not jive with the story [they] were telling,” and “once we really started to wrestle with the character study,” all of those ideas of crossovers started to fade:
“But what we did realize early on is those connections just did not jive with the story we were telling, because… at Marvel, it’s character, character, character first and all of the shows at Marvel are truly intense character studies. And once we really started to wrestle with the character study that is Marc Spector, that is Steven Grant, that is Jake Lockley, and this crazy Egyptian god that’s manipulating them, Khonshu, the more those connectivity points just faded away and the more we have what you guys saw on screen. And I think we’ve got a better show for it… not a better show, that’s not the right term.”
Curtis exclaimed how cool he thinks it is that anyone “can jump into the MCU and enjoy Moon Knight as much as the guy or gal who’s seen every MCU offering you can ever imagine”:
“It’s just, I really like the fact that my mom, of all people, can jump into the MCU and enjoy Moon Knight as much as the guy or gal who’s seen every MCU offering you can ever imagine. She loved the show. My dad loved the show. They see a lot of Marvel stuff, they don’t see it all. And they did not need to know all of the backstory of what had happened before… At some point, there’s a lot of names that you guys know, that floated in and out of a possibility of being in this series, but the reality is… we think our show is pretty complete with what we have.”
The Eternals That Never Were
It is great how anyone can sit down and enjoy Oscar Isaac’s brilliant performance in Moon Knight without having kept up with everything Marvel Studios. With the nearly endless amount MCU projects set to release over the next few years, multiple entry points will be needed for sustainability.
With that said, it still would have been great to have those connected moments. The world of the Eternals is a surprisingly perfect one to connect with Moon Knight, which most would never have suspected to pop up.
After all, Khonshu would have been plenty active around that time alongside the likes of Kingo and Ikaris. It’s hard not to wonder how much interaction they had; given how it seems the Eternals were the basis for Greek Mythology on Earth, the connection there would have been interesting to explore.
Maybe Marc Spector’s next adventure will be able to incorporate other characters from across the MCU.
All six episodes of Moon Knight are now streaming on Disney+.