With the title of The Eternals being changed to just Eternals, along with receiving a new logo, many speculated that Disney was preparing to release merchandise for the movie and potentially even the trailer itself. However, with the ever present potential of release dates being delayed and moved again, it's apparent that Disney is playing things close to the chest until they're absolutely certain that the release dates for Black Widow and Eternals will stick.
However, that hasn't stop merchandise for the shows and movies being released early such as for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which doesn't make it surprising that the same has apparently happened with Eternals, too.
Discovered earlier today by Twitter user @Marvel_TH, merchandise for Eternals has apparently begun to leak, as someone was found posting an Ajak figure on the Argentina online marketplace, MercadoLibre. The sales page for the figure is still up.
When it was initially posted, the listing only included a single image of the figure, shown below.

The authenticity of this product was initially brought into question by twitter user @Eternalsnews, who was led to believe it was a custom figure made by the seller and not an official product for the movie. Due to a misunderstanding, and upon further investigation by @Eternalsnews, it may actually be legitimate.
The back of the box gives the reader some information about the character of Ajak and her role in Eternals.

It reads "The spiritual leader of the Eternals. Ajak can heal others and is able to communicate with the Celestials," the latter of which is unique to the character of Ajak in the comics.

This box also revealed the following promotional symbol for Eternals:

Comparing Hayek's Ajak to the original comics version...

Overall, this seems quite elaborate to be something made by a fan, and it isn't unusual for merchandise to leak so early on, especially since Marvel Studios updated the trademark and logo for Eternals.
The fact that Ajak was made the leader instead of Ikaris, as he is in the comics, makes more sense due to her unique ability to communicate with Celestials. It also specifies that Ajak has healing powers, which might mean that each Eternal will have their own, more distinct powers to make them stand out from one another.
It'll be interesting to see what other changes Marvel Studios has made to the characters in this adaptation, and how much influence they take from the comics. The fact that they have kept Ajak's role as ambassador to the Celestials might point to Marvel Studios staying truer than expected.