What If...? officially bowed onto Disney+ with its first episode. Fans were able to see what would have happened if Peggy Carter got the Super Soldier Serum instead of Steve Rogers, a change of events that led to the creation of Captain Carter.
The character has only existed for less than thirty minutes of screen time in the MCU, and audiences worldwide already love Captain Carter. This is no surprise as even Marvel Studios realized that this was likely to be the case––seeing as not only is she the first episode of the series but also the first to be rumored to make an appearance in live-action down the line.
In fact, even The Watcher is obsessed with her, with the writers confirming that the cosmic being will take particular note of the character and Captain Carter being revisited every season through his narrative.
With the bar set so high, how will the series top the fan adoration for Peggy's superhero debut? Well, the answer lies in the stars.
The next episode of What If...? will be centered around the concept of the late Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa being picked up by Yondu instead of Peter Quill––a change of events that leads to T'Challa becoming the legendary Star-Lord.
In anticipation of the character's introduction, Marvel had T'Challa officially take over the official Guardians of the Galaxy Twitter account.

The image above is what the account used to look like, and below is what has now become:

Marvel pulled similar moves with Captain Carter's episode of What If...?, with her character overtaking the official Captain America Twitter account. It wouldn't be surprising if this is a trend that fans see weekly depending on the context of the upcoming episode at the time.
While Captain Carter was easily the biggest focus of What If...?'s marketing, T'Challa's Star-Lord was right behind her. Both were also the first two scenarios revealed to the world when information about the show was starting to reach fans.
Sadly, the episode also features the late Chadwick Boseman's final performance in the MCU. So, while the character's episode will be exciting and fun, it will be equal parts bittersweet and sad.
His next episode isn't the end, thankfully. Boseman has been confirmed to have voiced T'Challa, presumably various iterations of him, in four total episodes in the first season. Photos have suggested that Black Panther appears in the Infinity War-focused Zombie episode, as well as Star-Lord T'Challa popping up once again in a Multiverse Avengers team-up situation.
What If...? streams weekly on Disney+ every Wednesday.