One of the most shocking storylines of Love Is Blind Season 8 has been the ongoing Instagram controversy between contestants Daniel and Taylor.
Daniel and Taylor are two of 32 hopeful romantics on this season of Love Is Blind, aiming to find their special someone without the help (and potential hindrance) of being able to see them.
While things between the two seem to have gone swimmingly in the early goings of Season 8, the reality TV couple found themselves on rough waters for the first time in their on-screen relationship as an apparent controversy came to light to end Episode 6.
The Daniel & Taylor Love Is Blind Controversy

The Instagram controversy between Daniel Hastings and Taylor Haag on Love Is Blind Season 8 has been one of the most shocking pieces of drama in this latest batch of episodes from the series.
Fans fell in love with the two Love Is Blind Season 8 cast members over its first six episodes as they immediately felt they were meant for each other.
When Taylor brought up her love of Christmas, Daniel was there with a special holiday-themed gift. When she brought up her love of family and faith, he echoed these priorities. This trend kept going on and on as the couple slowly got to know each other.
It almost felt too good to be true. Well... that might be because it was.
Episode 6 of the hit reality series came to a close with Taylor making some scathing accusations about her prospective new lover, as she alleged he had disgraced the very point of the series to end up with her.
The whole concept of Love Is Blind has been putting a group of singles together in pods separated from one another. This allows them to communicate and look for romance without the ability to see the person they are communicating with.
However, the very integrity of that experiment was put into question, as, when Taylor and Daniel finally got to meet for a potential proposal, Taylor was shocked to discover that Daniel's face was concerningly familiar to her.
Looking back into her memory, Taylor said she might remember Daniel from an interaction on Instagram where her potential lover had seemingly followed her on the social platform before they were on the series before unfollowing.
This meant that he had seen her face before coming on the show as well as every aspect of her online life, thus completely disregarding the point of the series in trying to find love without someone's looks potentially skewing an opinion on who they are.
Episode 6 ends on a cliffhanger, with it being left up in the air if Daniel actually cheated the Love Is Blind system or if he and Taylor would stay together beyond these accusations.
What Does Taylor Have To Say About the Love Is Blind Drama?
Talking to Glamour about the dramatic turn of events between Taylor and Daniel, Taylor herself said the whole thing scared her.
"The primary concern was that he knew what I looked like during the experiment," she remarked, and that could have clouded his judgment in pursuing her over the other women on the show:
"Good question. The primary concern was that he knew what I looked like during the experiment. I’m guilty, too, of judging people off their looks and I’m sure that’s been done to me. I wanted that to be completely removed from this entire situation. Hence, 'Love Is Blind.' So the thought of that very premise being compromised was terrifying to me."
Taylor noted that the whole cast was "operating on very limited information" and this whole snafu made her question if Daniel's intentions were authentic or not:
"It just scared me. We’re operating on very limited information at the time. We don’t have our devices, we don’t have our people to talk to and bounce ideas off of. We’re running on minimal sleep and we’re running on adrenaline. There were so many factors playing into it."
When asked how fans should look at Daniel going forward in the series beyond these accusations, she noted "I would like people to remember the character that Daniel showed throughout the pod experience up to this point."
This seems to insinuate that the pair may be able to get over this dramatic speed bump and move forward as a couple into the rest of the series—and potentially beyond (read about whether Daniel and Taylor stay together in Love Is Blind here).
Love Is Blind Season 8 continues on Netflix with new episodes dropping every Friday until March 7.