What Are Lila's Powers In Umbrella Academy Show?

Lila got a brand new power in Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy, that even she was a bit confused about.

By Gillian Blum Posted:
Lila in The Umbrella Academy Season 4

Lila Pitts joined the main crew of characters of The Umbrella Academy back in Season 2, and may be the most powerful character in the Netflix series.

Described in Season 4 by Klaus as "weirdly self-actualized, as far as [he] can tell," Lila (played by Ritu Arya) is witty and reckless, but deep down truly loving.

Many fans felt disappointed with how Lila's story arc concluded at the end of Season 4, with major changes to her overall emotional journey and values as a person.

These internal changes, though, were not the only ones her character saw, with major shifts to her powers coming in Season 4 as well.

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Does Lila Have Powers In Umbrella Academy?

Like the other 42 children in The Umbrella Academy born on October 1, 1989 to mothers who had not been pregnant even an hour beforehand, Lila does have superpowers.

As was originally introduced, Lila has the ability to take on the powers of the people she is fighting — though, seemingly, not all at once. For instance, she can rumor Allison into doing anything, despite those being Allison's powers.

Her mimicked powers do not seem to be any weaker than they are for the person she is copying, demonstrated most clearly when she and Viktor faced off in the Season 2 finale.

Lila's standard powers are actually not seen in action too much — at least when compared with the likes of Five's or Diego's powers. She reveals her abilities during the Season 2 finale and then uses them throughout Season 3.

But, Season 4 gave her new powers, and fans did not really see her use her original power set at all.

What Powers Does Lila Have In Umbrella Academy Season 4?

Lila in Umbrella Academy Season 4 using her powers

At the beginning of Season 4, the Umbrella Academy, Sparrow Ben, and Lila are all stripped of their powers when they enter the reset timeline.

Ben tricks them all (besides Klaus) into drinking from a rogue bottle of the marigold substance that gave them their powers in the first place, but things did not exactly return to how they were.

Most of the Hargraves got new powers in addition to their former ones. Viktor gained energy blasts, for instance. This happened to Lila, too, who wakes up after drinking the marigold suddenly with laser eyes.

She seemingly has no control over when the green beams burst from her eyes, and they seem to actually hurt her to use, with growing bruises around her eyes after she starts blasting with them.

How Does Lila Have Powers?

As explained, Lila's superpowers come from the marigold substance, which plays a large role in Season 4's storyline.

It is unclear why exactly the marigold gave Lila laser eyes, and why Lila was the only one to get new powers she had zero control over.

Ben had some issues readjusting to having powers, growing a tail against his will for a bit, but he drank far more of the marigold substance than anyone else.

And, since this universe appears superpower-free post-reset, it is unlikely that she is just mimicking the powers of someone else around them — especially because there is not anyone that comes to mind for who that would be.

Since the show has officially ended, it will be left to fans to speculate on the remaining unanswered questions.

All four seasons of The Umbrella Academy are available to stream on Netflix.

Read more about The Umbrella Academy on The Direct:

What Happened to Sloane In Umbrella Academy Season 4, Explained

Why Umbrella Academy Season 4 Is Only 6 Episodes, Explained

Netflix's CEO Wanted Umbrella Academy to Last More Seasons Than It Did (Exclusive)

- About The Author: Gillian Blum

Gillian Blum has been a writer at The Direct since 2022, reporting primarily from New York City. Though she covers news from across the entertainment industry, Gillian has a particular focus on Marvel and DC, including comics, movies, and television shows. She also commonly reports on Percy Jackson, Invincible, and other similar franchises.