LEGO's latest Avengers: Endgame set fails to live up to one of the MCU's biggest moments.
Attempting to recapture Endgame's epic final battle is no small feat, but even so, fans expected a little more from LEGO's 2025 battle crossover set.
What's Wrong With LEGO's 2025 Avengers: Endgame Set?

LEGO's Marvel Avengers: Endgame Final Battle (76323) may be a recreation of the 2019 film's climatic scene, but it's far from a crowd-pleaser.
Set to hit shelves on May 1, the 621-piece playset comes with nine Minifigures, including Thanos, an Ant-Man mech, and Mjolnir-wielding Cap, as well as buildable sling ring portals.

The fan backlash to the set's reveal is multi-faceted. One of the first complaints is how uninteresting it appears, especially compared to other Endgame battle sets, and some criticize the bland rubble setting.
The second issue is with the Minifigure selection. Yes, the set comes with 10 figures, but some are reused from other sets and even inaccurate.
For instance, Cap and Black Panther are in their Captain America: Civil War suits, and Doctor Strange sports his Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness costume.

The only new and exclusive Minifigures for this MCU playset are the Iron Spider, Ant-Man, and Iron Man figures. Still, some noted that the Spidey figure is a downgrade from the previous version of the Iron Spider, as this one does not include arm or leg printing.
Lastly, fans have taken issue with the $99.99 price tag, particularly in light of its various issues and being only 621 pieces.
For comparison, 76255 The New Guardians Ship came with 1,108 pieces and a much more substantial build for the same price. And, even though it only has five figures, four of them were exclusive.
LEGO's previous and (controversial?) Avengers: Endgame set also cost $100 but came with 173 more pieces and a more substantial build.
Lastly, 76261 Spider-Man Final Battle costs a mere $10 more than LEGO's latest Endgame set but has 279 more pieces plus nine Minifgures, seven of which were exclusive.
Why Is LEGO's Endgame Set So Expensive?
While LEGO sets have never been cheap, Avengers: Endgame Final Battle's price tag is part of an ongoing trend for the brand and expected to continue.
LEGO sets have been on the rise for some time due to inflation, adult consumers and collectors, the company's lack of competition, and the need to offset the cost of using popular IPs.
While this new MCU playset has issues, the sticker shock is likely due to its licensing and bearing the Marvel Studios brand. Customers will need to fork over more cash than they would for a basic LEGO set.
The fact that the Final Battle set also happens to represent one of the MCU's most famous moments may also play a part in that price.
Check out the 20 most expensive LEGO sets of all time here.
LEGO's Avengers: Endgame Final Battle set becomes available on May 1.