After quite a journey, Zack Snyder's Justice League will soon arrive on HBO Max this March . The highly-anticipated debut of the Snyder Cut has been the subject of headlines and discussions in the past months, giving viewers a preview of how different this film will be from the much-maligned 2017 theatrical cut.
A good chunk of those discussions was centered on Snyder's barrage of reveals and in-depth information about key scenes from his Justice League , ranging from Superman's iconic black suit to new designs of Steppenwolf and Darkseid . While an official release date has yet to be announced, the visionary director recently revealed that his film will be shown as a “one-shot” instead of the original plan of showcasing it as a four-part mini-series.
Now, an interesting tidbit has emerged from Snyder about what really transpired during his exit from the set of the 2017 DCEU film.
In a report from Cinema Blend , Sean O' Connell, the author of the Release the Snyder Cut book, shared an excerpt of his interview with Zack Snyder about the famed director's cut.
Snyder revealed the true story behind his departure from the production of 2017's Justice League by pointing out that he was “kind of done with it," also admitting that he “had no energy to fight [the studio], and fight [for the movie]:”
“I just was kind of done with it. I was in this place of [knowing] my family needs me more than this bullshit, and I just need to honor them and do the best I can to heal that world. I had no energy to fight [the studio], and fight for [the movie]. Literally, zero energy for that. I really think that’s the main thing.”
In a different world, the director admitted that he could've “tried” to stay, but he then bared that he was already “beaten by what was going on in my [his] life” to move forward in finishing the rest of the film.
"I think there’s a different world where I stayed and kind of tried. And I’m sure I could have . . . because every movie is a fight, right? I was used to that. But I just did not have the [energy]. There was no fight in me. I had been beaten by what was going on in my life and I just didn’t want to, I didn’t care to . . . that was kind of where I was."
While it's a given that creative arguments happen in every film, it's still unfortunate to hear Snyder's side of the story about his exit. Snyder's vision for the DCEU had its fair share of ups and downs throughout his time with the franchise, but this new reveal definitely adds more layers to the troubled production history of the 2017 movie.
Based on Snyder's comments, it's safe to say that Justice League was the final straw, and his remark of having “no fight in me” is solid evidence of that. Of course, this is on top of his daughter's death, and it's understandable that he ultimately needed to step out and stop fighting for the film.
At this stage, there's a strong chance that Zack Snyder's Justice League will indeed be his final project for the DCEU. The director even mentioned in a separate interview that he has “no plan” to continue his vision after the Snyder Cut.
Despite that, the massive support from the loyal Snyder Cut fanbase should be a welcome sight for the director. The solid grassroots campaign in the past few years proved to be a triumph for everyone, and it's no doubt that Snyder will carry this victory in years to come.
Thankfully, it's only a matter of time before Zack Snyder's Justice League will debut on HBO Max, and that moment alone essentially presents Snyder as the clear winner of his fight for his DCEU vision.