While the casting for the MCU reboot of Fantastic Four is still unknown, a former Doctor Doom actor has discussed his role in the Fox film and how "terrible" he thinks it was.
Back in 2015, comic book film fans were anticipating the second cinematic reboot of the Fantastic Four featuring a young cast and directed by Josh Trank.
However, despite starring the likes of Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan, the Fox-owned film proved to be a huge disappointment.
Victor Von Doom, the rival to Teller's Reed Richards and the film's iconic villain was played by Toby Kebbell, who has since gone on to appear in War For Planet of the Apes and Servant.
While audiences don't yet know who will play the MCU's Doctor Doom, Kebbell is truly his own worst critic when it comes to his version of the Fantastic Four foe.
Fantastic Four Star Hates His Doctor Doom Performance

In talking with ComicBook.com, Toby Kebbell made it abundantly clear that he has no pride or nostalgia for his former Fantastic Four role.
In referencing his character on Servant who's known for his adventurous tastes, the actor confessed that he would rather consume a "placenta puff" than talk Doctor Doom:
"Definitely the placenta puff. I'd eat a whole croque en bouche of placenta puffs rather than be asked if I would go back and be terrible as Doctor Doom again. 'Hey, you were terrible as Doctor Doom. Would you go back and do it again?' Eh, no."
When told that he wasn't to blame for the film's poor reception, Kebbell joked, "You're absolutely right; it was not my fault."
He continued to refuse any further assurances from his Servant co-stars as well, saying: "you don't have to lie that I'm a good actor:"
"Hey guys, I'm in Hurricane Heist, you don't have to lie that I'm a good actor. I am in some of the worst movies of all time. I watched Pagemaster as a kid, and I was like, 'This is a terrible movie,' and I topped it. I didn't realize I made it a goal of mine to ruin cinema, but I did it. I fully accomplished it."
Former Fantastic Four Doom and Gloom
There are a number of reasons why 2015's Fantastic Four reboot failed at the box office and with audiences. The cast doesn't appear to be one of them, especially considering what they've gone on to accomplish in years since.
Regardless, it's unfortunate to hear that the movie is still a sore subject for Kebbell.
But looking back, his problems with the role began before the film even debuted thanks to the film's creators attempting to reinvent the character instead of sticking to his comic book roots.
This backlash is surely something Marvel Studios will keep in mind in creating the MCU's version of Doom.
Since the conversation surrounding the Fantastic Four on film will only continue in the years to come, this won't be the last time Kebbell fields a Doctor Doom question.
But hopefully, with time, the Marvel star will come to view his past role and career in a better light.
Marvel Studios' version of Fantastic Four is set to debut on February 14, 2025.