As DC FanDome continues throughout the weekend, fans are still getting some solid bits of news. And while the panel for the upcoming Flash movie starring Ezra Miller officially took place late last month as part of FanDome Part One, that didn't stop the online convention from dropping some intriguing info through their Q&A sessions for the film during today's Part Two.

Via Twitter user TaurooAldebaran , a Q&A video was shared during FanDome featuring The Flash director Andy Muschietti. He said the overall tone of the film will "have everything:"
"My Flash is not gonna be light or dark in tone. It's gonna have everything. If you saw my previous movies like It and It 2 , you'll know that I like to put everything in it. So what you'll see in Flash is very deep emotional story, but it's also gonna be very funny hopefully and a great, epic adventure at the same time. And also terrifying sometimes."
Ezra Miller and director Andy Muschietti discussing #TheFlash movie in #DCFanDome, details of the tone of the story and the new suit. pic.twitter.com/jukPhKHNqT
Based off of Muschcietti's words, it seems like fans can expect quite a thrill ride from The Flash . The word is out that Barry Allen will be exploring the DC multiverse and encountering Michael Keaton's Batman in the process, but who knows what else he'll find.
Given Muschietti's background in horror films, perhaps Barry gets more than he bargained for out there in some wild parallel dimension or alternate Earth. DC has no shortage of cosmic baddies that could possibly play a role here.
The director also teased the film's potential for comedy and overall funny moments. Ezra Miller's Flash is definitely a more lighthearted take on the iconic character, and was undoubtedly meant to serve as the comic relief in 2017's Justice League, so it's good to hear that Barry will continue to bring a bright, humorous perspective in his solo film.
The Flash is expected to hit theaters on June 3, 2022.