Since Vincent D'Onofrio's return as Wilson Fisk in Hawkeye, fans have eagerly anticipated his return. Despite his apparent death at the end of Hawkeye, everyone excepted Fisk to appear in Alaqua Cox's Echo on Disney+.
Those expectations were vindicated when D'Onofrio was finally spotted on the set of Echo. Although, he looked unharmed, pointing to the leaked set photos being a flashback.
But, new footage of Echo at D23 does show Kingpin adorned with an eye patch.
Daredevil & Wilson Fisk in Echo Footage
In new footage of Echo, shown to audiences at D23, Native people are shown kicking ass alongside Alaqua Cox's Echo. It also showed Echo looking at her glowing hands, with a brief look at Charlie Cox’s appearance as Daredevil in the series.
Finally, numerous historical flashbacks are shown before being interrupted by grenades, and it ends with a peek at Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk wearing an eye patch over one eye.
Glowing Hands?
Echo's hands glowing at one point is the most interesting information from one footage description. Now, they could be glowing for various reasons, such as it being a vision or dream, but another explanation is, well, Echo having powers.
In the comics, Echo's only superpowered ability was being able to copy and memorize anything she saw, similar to Taskmaster. However, decades later, she would become the new host for The Phoenix Force.

Yes, the same Pheonix Force from the X-Men. To make a very convoluted and long story short, The Pheonix decided that Maya Lopez was a worthy host due to her unique fighting ability and the incredible pain she's suffered throughout her life.
Now, it's highly doubtful this is evidence of the Pheonix appearing, but it could be that Echo will gain analogous powers to the Pheonix. It was established in the comics when she became the new Pheonix house that North American indigenous cultures worshiped it as the Thunderbird.
So, perhaps in the series, Echo may be given powers by the Thunderbird spirit, or at least it gives her a vision. As a way of referring to this part of the character's recent comic book history.

As for the rest of the footage, since it seems like Fisk is only given one eye patch, it appears that, unlike in the comics, Maya didn't think to double-tap the Kingpin. However, aside from a glimpse of Daredevil in the footage, not much else can be deciphered about the plot.
After all, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Daredevil has no connection to Echo like in the comics, so it's curious how Murdock will get involved with Lopez. Perhaps they'll develop a romance like they briefly did in her debut story.
Fans will find out how all this comes together when Echo is released on Disney+ in summer 2023.