In 2024, there are several prominent cheats and hacks that players can use on Cookie Clicker.
The uber-popular idle browser game has been capturing audiences since its debut in 2013. The premise is simple, collect cookies by clicking and spend one's cookies on upgrades to click more cookies.
It is a simple premise that has blown up, becoming an addictive gaming mainstay for many who are looking to pass the time with some sugar-filled dopamine hits.
How To Cheat in Cookie Clicker?

While there are not necessarily cheat codes baked into the game or specific strategies one can use to cheat or hack the Cookie Clicker system, there are several ways to game the system... it just gets s little complicated.
Cheats and hacks in the world of Cookie Clicker require minor programming finagling from the user.
All Cookie Clicker exploits have to be input into the game's page source code, altering a few values here or there to improve one's stock of digital confections in-game.
Opening this console in the browser may sound complicated but it is really not. Depending on the browser, all it requires is a simple shortcut to be pressed, opening the console and allowing for the cheating to begin.
Below is a list of how to access the Cookie Clicker console on several popular browsers:
- Google Chrome - Control + Shift + J on Windows/Command + Option + J on Mac
- Firefox - Control + Shift + K on Windows/Command + Option + K on Mac
- Safari - Command + Option + C on Mac
- Microsoft Edge - F12 on Windows or Mac
Once the console is open, then the true cheating fun can begin.
If one is playing the Steam version of Cookie Clicker, the process is a little different, but just about as simple.
To find the console on Steam's version of the hit idle game, simply locate the game in the Steam library, right-click on the title, hit the "Manage" option, and then "Browse local files."
From there, it will open up Cookie Clicker's main file folder. Simply, go to "Resources," then click "App." Next, find the "Start" file, right-click it and open a text editor.
Several lines of text will appear on-screen. Locate the 12th one down saying "let DEV=0;//display menu and js console." Change the "0" to a "1" and then launch the game.
Popular Cookie Clicker Cheat Codes
With the Cookie Clicker console open either in the browser or on the Steam version of the game, one can start fiddling around with several cheat codes and hacks.
To input these codes all one has to do is type specific commands into the console along the side of the page.
In the case of Cookie Clicker, these commands usually have to do with amassing a specific amount of cookies to purchase upgrades to then buy more cookies.
These commands usually break down to a "Game.cookies =" (without quotation marks) followed by the number of cookies wanting to be added (i.e. Game.cookies = 2500).
Other commands include adding an infinite number of cookies to the player's total (Game.cookies = Infinity), changing the number of cookies being added per click (Game.cookiesPs =), unlocking everything, or changing the look of various items in-game
Below is a list of popular cheat commands for Cookie Clicker:
- Game.cookies = Infinity; - Get an infinite number of cookies.
- Game.cookies=; - Set the total number of cookies to the desired amount
- Game.cookiesPs=; - Set cookies per second number
- Game.Achievements[''].won=1; - Unlock your dream achievement
- Game.Ascend(1); - Ascend to turn your cookies into Heavenly Chips
- Game.AscendTimer=<time>; - Change the Ascend Timer
- Game.bakeryName=""; - Set a new name for your bakery
- Game.bakeryNameRefresh(); - Refresh your bakery name
- Game.buyBulk=<1/10/100>; - Changes your X# buy amount
- Game.CalculateGains(); - Calculates gains
- Game.computedMouseCps; - Computes your mouse copies per second
- Game.computedMouseCps=<your desired mouse Cps amount>; - Change your mouse cookies per second
- Game.gainLumps(<amount of lumps>); - Add as many lumps as you want
- Game.BuildAscendTree(); - Build Ascend Tree
- Game.dragonLevel=; - Set dragon level
- Game.Has('<achievementme>'); - Check if you have a certain achievement
- Game.killShimmers(); - Removes all shimmers
- Game.MaxSpecials(); - Get the max amount of specials
- Game.mousePointer=0; - Change your mouse pointer
- Game.popups=0; - Remove the game's popup notifications
- Game.SetAllAchievs(1); - Unlock all achievements
- Game.SetAllUpgrade(1); - Unlock all upgrades
- Game.RuinTheFun(1); - Unlock everything
If any of these codes cause any issues, there are a few helpful commands one can use as well:
- Game.DebuggingPrestige=false; - Debugs your prestige
- Game.DebugTimersOn=<0 or 1>; - Turns the debug timers off or on
- Game.DebugUpgradeCpS(); - Debugs clicks-per-second upgrades
- Game.GetAllDebugs(); - Get all the possible debugs
- Game.HardReset(2); - Hard reset your game
Cookie Clicker Auto Clicker Hacks
After adding cookies to one's bank or changing the number of cookies a click is worth, the next logical step in the Cookie Clicker journey is getting the game to do the cookie clicking for you.
Luckily there is a way to hack the game to accomplish such an endeavor.
Again, this cheat takes the player to the in-game console with yet another code. Inputting, "setInterval(function(){Game.ClickCookie()}," followed by a number and a closed bracket sets how often by increments of milliseconds the game will automatically click the cookie for itself.
If one were to want to have it click every three milliseconds, they would type "setInterval(function(){Game.ClickCookie()}, 3);" For every five milliseconds it would be "setInterval(function(){Game.ClickCookie()}, 5);". It is that simple!
Cookie Clicker is available now on the web and Steam.
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