Back in April of last year, during the premiere of Avengers: Endgame, Elizabeth Olsen was asked how many episodes WandaVision had, but only said that it would be six hours long:
She actually said that she doesn't know how many episodes the show will have, only that it would add up to six hours. Many assumed that this simply meant that WandaVision had six episodes with lengths ranging from the standard 45-50 minutes.
However, a discovery from a stuntperson's resume may put that assumption into question...
Lizzie Hill of Murphy's Universe has made another discovery: that WandaVision will have not just six episodes, but at least nine, if the resume of a stunt person on the show is to be believed.
Lizzie does not share the name of her source (or the stunt person in question), but she provides an image showcasing the smoking gun in their resume that shows them having performed a stunt in season 1, episode 9 of WandaVision.
We could see these nine or more episodes being shorter than expected, similar to everyone's surprise at the episode lengths for The Mandalorian when it first released.
The same could also be said about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, which Anthony Mackie also just recently said was "a six or eight-hour movie" Still, that also doesn't indicate the number of episodes. That series could end up being more than the initially reported six episodes from last year, along with shorter episode lengths to go with them.
Now, some fans might think that because the episode number was marked with an indicator of it being season 1 that there is the possibility of more seasons. However, it would be best to temper those expectations. This is just standardized formatting of episode numbers for television to show the season number first and the episode second.
This doesn't mean that Marvel Studios is intending on having a second season of WandaVision. Despite the fact that signs are pointing to Loki having more than one season, along with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, there have been no similar signs or comments regarding a second season for WandaVision.