Marvel Studios is slowly inching its way toward its highly anticipated comeback into theaters while its new era on Disney+ is even closer thanks in part to the first trailer for WandaVision debuted at the 2020 Emmys. This first in-depth look at the debut MCU mini-series gave a glimpse at just how wacky and crazy things are set to become with Wanda creating realities based off a handful of decades of network television while she and Vision go through their next adventure together.
While there is still no specifics on plot details, the short scenes teased thus far have fans going absolutely bonkers while they wait for the series’ debut. Some new images have also just released that should bring even more excitement.
Thanks to a new listing from Amazon, four new t-shirts have become available as promotional material from WandaVision. All four can be seen below, and include new promotional art for the show that has never been seen before.
The first shirt gives a look at Elizabeth Olsen's Wanda Maximoff inside the screen of a red vintage TV: Order now

The second image gives a look at Wanda and Vision's vintage 1950s-style house and car in the town of Westview where they settle down, likely in Wanda's alternate reality: Order now.

The third image shows a cartoon image of Wanda and Vision in their comic-inspired Halloween costumes: Order this merchandise now.

The fourth image gives a look at the couple in their 50's outfits on the couch together, with Vision in his human form. Order this merch now.

While none of these images seem to give away any new plot details about the show or its plot, it’s still exciting to get some new shots to geek out over. Two of them include live shots of Wanda on her own in the screen of a red TV along with both lead characters in their fancy getup from the 50’s setup, including another look at Vision in his full Paul Bettany-look.
There’s also a cool animated look at the leading duo in what appears to be their comic-inspired classic Halloween costumes, while the last shot gives a shot of the town of Westview where the two settle down after getting married in the trailer. This is going to be an exciting detail of the show to learn more about, especially learning if the town is truly the center of Wanda’s alternate reality opposite of the real life Eastview.
Whether these images end up being depicted in the final cut of WandaVision is still a mystery, but they give another great tease to one of the most intriguing projects the MCU has ever released. Fans only have to wait a few weeks longer to find out more, with the mini-series rumored to make its debut on Disney+ as early as Thanksgiving weekend.