A lot of information and images have been coming out from the latest Empire Magazine issue focused on James Gunn's The Suicide Squad . The issue showed off the characters' costumes in wonderful detail, along with more information about the plot which involves a Nazi prison and experimentation . This new issue of Empire even gave fans two new covers showing off all of the Squad members, one of them including James Gunn himself.
Excerpts from the interview with James Gunn in this Empire issue have also been released, with Gunn explaining the difference between the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Squad . However, one eagle-eyed fan managed to spot something from Empire 's tweets that James Gunn happily confirmed.
On Twitter, James Gunn confirmed to a fan that John Ostrander, the creator of the '80s iteration of the Suicide Squad in the comics for which the movie takes inspiration, will be in the movie playing Dr. Fitzgibbon.
Justin, the Twitter fan who pointed it out, noticed this cameo from the Empire 's preview for their exclusive The Suicide Squad issue . John Ostrander can be seen in the image below to the right of Michael Rooker.

At this point in comic book movies, it seems like more and more comic book writers are beginning to make cameos instead of higher-ups like Stan Lee once did. It's nice to see writers getting in on the fun, appearing in movies either directly inspired by their work and characters they helped create or heavily influenced.
Despite James Gunn bringing up Ostrander's past career as an actor, it would be hard to believe that he has anything larger than a cameo role in this movie. As pointed out by Justin and clarified by James Gunn, Ostrander will be playing a doctor. Dr. Fitzgibbon doesn't seem to have any comic book counterpart or any obvious reference to anything, making this a simple cameo role even more likely.