The last time that Murphy's Multiverse speculated about an actor joining The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was for the casting of Erin Kellyman. Through an anonymous DM on Twitter and some investigation on social media, Lizzie Hill pieced together that the Star Wars star would be joining the MCU, likely through Sam and Bucky's streaming series on Disney's service.
This speculation would later be collaborated by DiscussingFilm and later proven by set photos showing Erin Kellyman on set . So, this latest bit of speculation for another actor joining the series could prove to bear fruit too.
According to Charles Murphy's speculative series of articles called 'Connecting Imaginary Dots,' various evidence appears to show that actor Tyler Dean Flores could be part of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier cast that is filming in Prague. Murphy goes on to speculate that Flores could be portraying a future member of the Thunderbolts, a villainous team which has long been rumored to appear in the series.
Tyler Dean Flores hasn't had a huge career but is steadily growing, with Flores' first acting gig being The Dark Knight Rises as a child and most recently working in Ava DuVernay's mini-series When They See Us . If this speculation ends up being true, it would really kick his acting career into overdrive.
The most interesting part of this speculative article, which does have enough evidence with it to seem true, is that it would explain a casting call nearly a year ago. Murphy explains that a casting call was shared with him, pointing to Marvel Studios looking for a "Hispanic/Latinx" actor to play a supporting role in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier .
Murphy further speculates that based upon that casting call and the evidence presented, Tyler Dean Flores seems to be the actor cast for that part. He expands on his point, saying that due to the casting call's timing with other large roles in the series, it points to Flores' role extending "beyond [ The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ]" and speculates that Flores could even be a future Thunderbolt member.