Star Wars: Skeleton Crew introduced the new planet of At Attin to that galaxy far, far away, and it might be one of the franchise's best mysteries to date.
Pitched as an Amblin Entertainment story set in the Star Wars Universe, Disney+'s Skeleton Crew isn't only living up to that description but has delivered several compelling twists, including the location of At Attin.
What Is At Attin in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew?

Episode 1 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew ended with the reveal that the suburban-like setting of the entire first episode was the planet of At Attin.
But if the buried starship, the kids' reaction to hyperspace, and their ignorance concerning stars were any indication, this is not your typical Star Wars planet.
In fact, their newfound ship's pirate droid (check out Skeleton Crew Episode 1's full cast here) has never heard of At Attin, nor does he know he got there.
Episode 2 shed more light on the young cast's homeworld. While trying to get directions home at a pirate port, Wim and Neel discover their Old Republic credits are unusually valuable.
Meanwhile, the girls, KB and Fern, learn the galaxy believes At Attin is a myth and the legendary lost planet of treasure.
Coupled with the fact that their homeworld has also been isolated from the goings-on of the galaxy, this new Star Wars planet is a mysterious twist few fans saw coming.
Explaining Skeleton Crew's At Attin Mystery

It's nothing new for Star Wars movies and Disney+ series to introduce new planets, or for Lucasfilm to canonize locations from Legends lore, but At Attin is different.
In terms of its aesthetics and culture, it's more like Earth than it is alien, and most public service jobs are held by droids.
And, even though the kids of At Attin know little about the galaxy, they are surprisingly knowledgeable about the Jedi and even the existence of hidden Jedi temples.
In contrast, there's also the fact that the galaxy knows little about At Attin apart from being a mythical location of eternal treasure, even though audiences didn't see what you would typically describe as treasure in Episode 1.
It's possible that At Attin is a planet from the Unknown Regions that either the Republic or the Empire wanted to keep secret and isolated, and the reasons behind its mythical status could be by design.
Hiding a planet has been done before, such as in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones when Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered Kamino was deliberately deleted from the Jedi Archives.
But just what this planet is hiding and how it connects to the greater Star Wars Universe, and the show's confirmed New Republic timeline, will be fascinating to discover as Skeleton Crew unfolds on Disney+.
The first episodes of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew premiere on December 2 on Disney+ at 9 pm ET.
New episodes will drop every Tuesday beginning on December 10 at the same time.