It's been nearly three full years since Lucasfilm and Disney concluded Star Wars' sequel trilogy, adding plenty of new characters to the lore of the galaxy far, far away between Episode VII and Episode IX. Included in that group was Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico, although Tran endured about as rough of a time as one could go through being part of the Star Wars franchise.
Rose made her mark as a supporting character in the Resistance when she was first introduced in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, mostly appearing alongside John Boyega's Finn, although Tran had plenty of troubles to deal with off-camera. Specifically, she was the target of sexist and racist comments from viewers all across the internet, leading her to leave social media altogether for her own mental health.
Now, while Rose, unfortunately, has to face some of those hurtful comments even to this day, the official Star Wars Twitter account showed her some support as the franchise's biggest fan event moves forward in Southern California.
Star Wars Supports Tran: "Hold This 'L'"

Star Wars' official Twitter account shared an image of Kelly Marie Tran and sequel trilogy co-star Billie Lourd as they took the stage for a presentation at Star Wars Celebration 2022 in Anaheim, California.
When a fan commented that "nobody likes either of them," Star Wars replied with "Respectfully, L + ratio," essentially telling the fan that they lost the argument in an embarrassing fashion.

Tran Gets Support from Highest Star Wars Source
Many of the cast members from the sequel trilogy have had to deal with vicious Star Wars viewers on social media, including Finn actor John Boyega and Rey star Daisy Ridley. Tran was unfortunately the target of many similar remarks from fans who shared their hateful comments over her role in The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, even reportedly leading to a reduced role in Episode IX.
Thankfully, the company behind her character has no intention of letting comments like this one slide by.
Even without social media, Tran remains supportive of the Star Wars franchise, which gave her the biggest credits yet on her professional resume in 2017 and 2019. Her character was particularly important in The Last Jedi, and even while that movie remains controversial as a whole to this day, Rose is a supporting hero that fans have come to love over the past half-decade.
In the end, Lucasfilm and Disney remain adamant about supporting their stars, even as comments like this continue to make their way onto the internet. While Rose's future with the franchise is still uncertain, she has plenty of support from the team who brought her into prominence with the Star Wars community over this matter.
Kelly Marie Tran can be seen as Rose Tico in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi and Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, both of which are available on Disney+.