Severance Season 2's Wild Cold Harbor Crib Theory Explained

A small detail in Severance's seventh episode may hold the key to one of the series' biggest mysteries.

By Lauren Rouse Posted:
Severance Gemma

An intriguing detail from Severance Season 2 Episode 7 has fans spiraling over a compelling theory about Cold Harbor.

The Apple TV+ series, which follows a group of employees who undergo a procedure to divide their memories into innies (work) and outies (personal), has become well-known for its mysteries.

Everything from the types of cars in Severance to the unexplained goat room has earned theories online, but the questions raised by the show keep coming with every new episode.

The Intriguing Detail Contained on the Crib in Severance Season 2

Dichen Lachman as Gemma in Severance Season 2
Apple TV+

Fans have noticed an interesting detail on the crib in Severance Season 2 which may link the Cold Harbor project to children.

For context, Cold Harbor is a project at Lumon that has been referenced by multiple characters in the series. It is known to be a project that Mark S. (Adam Scott) is integral to completing and is somehow linked to his thought-to-be-dead wife Gemma (Dichen Lachman). 

In Season 2, Severance provides more details about Mark and Gemma's life together before her death, revealing that the two were expecting a child. Their preparations led them to purchase a crib.

Gemma and Mark's crib in Severance
Apple TV+

As pointed out by multiple fans online, zooming in on the packaging for the crib reveals a model name "Col d’Arbor," which many have noticed is suspiciously similar to Cold Harbor. 

What the Col d'Arbor Theory Could Mean For Severance

The packaging details on Gemma and Mark's crib in Severance have led to a flurry of theories, with fans dissecting what each word and number could mean.

The prevailing theory is that Cold Harbor relates to children and potentially Gemma's traumatic experience with her pregnancy. 

Episode 7 of the new Severance season revealed the truth that Gemma (or some version of her) has been living on a deeper severed floor at Lumon, where she is put through painful and stressful situations every day, in rooms that are marked with names correlating to Macrodata Refinement files. 

The one room that fans haven't seen inside yet is Cold Harbor. The reason for this seems to be linked to Mark, with many Lumon officials noting this season that he is essential to the completion of the file and that they are expecting its deadline soon. 

The Col d'Arbor crib detail could indicate that Gemma's greatest pain is related to having or not having children and that this is what will be tested in the Cold Harbor room. 

This could tie into another overarching theory that Lumon is using Gemma to test the strength of the Severance chip and whether it can help people to live without their most painful memories.

It could also indicate that Lumon was somehow involved in Gemma's pregnancy and its outcome as she and Mark were seen attending a fertility clinic run by Lumon in the episode. 

Children have become something of a mysterious recurring metaphor throughout the show.

Season 2 of Severance introduced Miss Huang, a child and the new deputy of the severed floor at Lumon. The choice was certainly a surprising one, but could tie into the overall relevance of children in Severance.

Additionally, the room of goats in Severance still has audiences scratching their heads. A young goat is referred to as a kid, which is another reference to children. 

It's unclear yet how all of these elements come together. The Col d'Arbor detail is a detail that may pan out into nothing, but in Severance everything seems to happen for a reason.

Severance's Season 2 finale will be released on March 21 on Apple TV+.

- About The Author: Lauren Rouse
Lauren Rouse has been a writer at The Direct since the site launched in 2020. She has a huge passion for everything pop culture and currently writes news articles for the Marvel, Star Wars, DC and video game branches.