A leaked toy gave fans a glimpse at the Batwing vehicle that will be flown by Michael Keaton’s Batman in his upcoming appearance in The Flash,
Despite the ample amount of controversy surrounding its lead star, The Flash is still on track to release in 2023. The movie picks up with Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, as he grapples with alternate timelines and versions of himself.
Also along for the ride is Michael Keaton, who will reprise his famous role as Batman. Keaton hasn’t played the character in 30 years and will fully suit up in the movie.
And a fancy suit isn’t the only thing his Batman is bringing to the table. A new leaked piece of merchandise has revealed that the Dark Knight will be taking to the skies in the upcoming Flash film.
Keaton’s New Batwing Design Revealed
The toy in question is a large Batwing vehicle as it appears in The Flash. Check out the images below, along with a comparison to the original Batwing from the 1989 Batman movie.
The packaging is the same color as Barry’s new super suit from the film, and small figures of Flash and Batman are included.
After a request from the copyright holder, we removed the image of the new Batwing toy.
Below is the original 1989 Batwing. The new version is far more angular in appearance.

Here’s a scale model of the ‘89 aircraft from Adam Savage’s Tested.

The Batwing Flies Again
The original Batwing was, of course, featured in a key sequence in the original Tim Burton movie, in which Batman swoops in during The Joker’s rampage in an attempt to save Gotham City. Of course, Joker is able to shoot down the Batwing and the two end up duking it out face-to-face.
So, there’s seemingly an in-story reason here as to why Keaton is using a brand new jet because the first one was heavily damaged. Of course, Batman is never one to rest on his laurels and constantly strives to upgrade his technology, so it stands to reason that he’d just build a new Batwing anyway.
Of course, with the Batwing in play, could fans also get to see the iconic Batmobile featured in both Batman and 1992’s Batman Returns? Some now-deleted tweets showing set photos from The Flash certainly point in that direction.
The Flash will race into theaters on June 16, 2023.