When it comes to the world of entertainment, the industry is filled with hundreds of stars from literally every corner of the world who all have their own beliefs and values. This is especially true in the world of comic book movies, which features not only the biggest and brightest names in the industry but also one of the most diverse groups of people in any franchise currently running.
Unfortunately, some portions of these franchises' enormous fan bases look for any opportunity possible to take shots at these stars and bring them down in any way possible, merely for having different beliefs than their own. This recently happened with one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most prominent stars, who has gained a world of support from the people who have most closely worked alongside him in the last few years.
Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt has come under heavy fire from social media users, specifically on Twitter, for not joining the virtual Q&A/trivia session featuring multiple big names from the MCU as a part of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris presidential campaign, among other things. Marvel Studios headliner Robert Downey, Jr. recently took to Instagram to defend and support his fellow castmate from the comic book movie mega-franchise with this post:
Included in Downey's post was this caption:
What a world... The “sinless” are casting stones at my brother, Chris Pratt... A real Christian who lives by principle, has never demonstrated anything but positivity and gratitude... AND he just married into a family that makes space for civil discourse and (just plain fact) INSISTS on service as the highest value. If you take issue with Chris,,, I’ve got a novel idea. Delete your social media accounts, sit with your OWN defects of character, work on THEM, then celebrate your humanness... @prattprattpratt I #gotyerbackbackback
Mark Ruffalo , who has portrayed the Incredible Hulk in the MCU since 2012, backed up Downey and Pratt with this statement on Twitter:
Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy director James Gunn added three tweets of his own, the first replying directly to Ruffalo's supportive statement:
Gunn's second tweet followed up by giving the truth on exactly the kind of person Pratt is, including how he treats everybody that he's worked with in their movies together:
That’s exactly true. And many actors are nice only to people in power. What matters to me is how people treat the crew members, and wait staff, and fans. And Chris Pratt is always incredibly kind to these people, which is one of the reasons I love him. https://t.co/3UjuW5NTVv
Gunn's third tweet clarifies some of Pratt's beliefs not reflecting those of his place of worship, also detailing Pratt's open nature on how people express their love:
No matter what sort of beliefs different movie stars hold deepest, as long as they are tolerant and respectful of those around them, it shouldn't be something that fans can hold them liable or accountable for under any circumstances. With all the heat that Pratt has taken in a short amount of time, it's quite a refreshing relief seeing so many of his castmates and coworkers stand behind him so firmly.
Downey and Ruffalo both spent time working with Pratt on Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame , and Gunn has served as the director for both Guardians of the Galaxy films starring Pratt as Star-Lord, with a third movie on the way in the near future. It's abundantly clear that all three MCU stars think very highly of Pratt as both an actor and as a person, and once again, it proves how much of a tight-knit family unit this franchise has become over the past twelve years. For a series that puts some of Hollywood's biggest stars continually in the spotlight, they all seem to have fantastic relationships with one another, and they always support each other through their most difficult times.
Chris Pratt is currently preparing for his sixth MCU appearance as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 , directed by James Gunn. There is no set release date for the movie, although it is set to begin shooting sometime in 2021 .