10 Most Powerful Star Wars Characters In The Mandalorian, Ranked

Here are the Top 10 of The Mandalorian's most formidable fighters from Season 2

By Alycia Leach Updated:
Fennec Shand, Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin, Moff Gideon, Bo-Katan Kryze

Being a powerful fighter is of the utmost importance in Star Wars. In the galaxy far, far away, being unable to hold your own in conflict means that survival chances are slim, especially in areas frequented by smugglers and bounty hunters.

However, whether strength comes from hand-to-hand combat, weaponized technology, or the mystical force that binds all living things together, the differences can often be overestimated. 

Sure, a Jedi has a lightsaber and plenty of Force tricks up their sleeve, but all fans know that a resourceful Mandalorian clad in Beskar will not go down without a good fight.

Now, ahead of Season 3 of the sensational Disney+ show, The Direct has ranked the 10 Mandalorian characters most formidable in battle.

Moff Gideon

Moff Gideon

Moff Gideon is powerful in terms of the resources he has available to him, having the might of the empire behind him, or at least what remains of it.

His mental fortitude can not be minimized either. He has Din Djarin earn the saber in combat, which drives a damaging wedge between him and Bo Katan. While the two Mandalorians are still allies, there is undoubtedly some tension between them. 

His Dark Troopers also needed Jedi Luke Skywalker to bring them down in The Rescue; thus, the threat he poses is severe. Combat is where Gideon lacks though, being easily bested by Din Djarin. Will his lack of fighting prowess be his undoing?

Paz Vizsla

Paz Vizsla

Like most Mandalorians, Paz Vizsla is a physically strong character with many fighting skills and abilities. 

Introduced in The Mandalorian, he is dangerous as he feels he should own the Darksaber by birthright given his connection to House Vizsla. Fans will know that his relative, Pre Vizsla once owned the Darksaber, as seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and long before, it originated with Tarre Vizsla.

However, little is known about his fighting skills, and in The Book of Boba Fett, he ultimately loses to Din Djarin.

The Armorer

The Armorer

Much like Paz Vizsla, The Armorer is a Mandalorian and, therefore, will have the fantastic physical ability this cultural group is famous for.

In The Book of Boba Fett, she is highly skilled and can wipe out an opponent with a ferocious force. She even beat Din Djarin in hand-to-hand combat and is implied to have wiped out an entire group of stormtroopers. However, Din Djarin wasn’t at his best during this The Book of Boba Fett episode, distracted by his longing to be reunited with his son, Grogu. 

It’s difficult to judge, given the limited scenes where she has demonstrated her true potential.

Fennec Shand

Fennec Shand

Fennec Shand is another recent addition to the franchise and has already become a fan favorite. She is a superior marksman and athlete, and as shown in The Bad Batch, she has some excellent bounty hunter skills which stretch back several years.

She also has a fearsome reputation amongst her fellow bounty hunters. When she debuted in The Mandalorian, this highly skilled mercenary’s reputation was enough to make Din Djarin hesitate in attempting to capture her. She has a particularly adeptness for firearms, especially sniper rifles, and was able to successfully shoot Djarin off his bike from a great distance despite being partially blinded by the flash charges.

Din Djarin

Din Djarin

Din Djarin is a highly skilled fighter, as demonstrated throughout The Mandalorian. Even in the first season, his skills were displayed when he saved Grogu from the empire’s clutches.

In The Return of the Mandalorian, he uses quick hand-to-hand combat and the heavy Darksaber to track and kill a bounty, demonstrating his talent as a fighter and warrior as he can defeat a room full of enemies.

Din is quick and resolutive when in danger and finds creative ways to achieve his goals. He also has an array of weapons and an ability to take down opponents others feel are impossible to overcome, like the Krayt Dragon on Tatooine.

Bo-Katan Kryze

Bo-Katan Kryze

Bo-Katan Kryze has undoubtedly proven her worth by now. In Season 7 of The Clone Wars, she led the force against Maul in the beloved siege of Mandalore arc and has since shown up to help Grogu in The Mandalorian Season 2.

Unlike The Armorer and Paz Vizsla, more is known about her skills and abilities in battle, and she would be a particularly punishing foe. At the end of Rebels, she was given the Darksaber, but by the time of The Mandalorian, plans didn’t go well, as she seems to be in the same situation from years later.

While Bo-Katan still has a few allies in her corner, she'll have to prove herself to the other clans if she wants to ascend to the throne of Mandalore.

Boba Fett

Boba Fett

Boba Fett is an unaltered clone of his father, Jango Fett. As revealed in Attack of the Clones, Jango Fett was chosen as a template for cloning due to his outstanding abilities as a Mandalorian bounty hunter, assassin, and mercenary. 

The Clone Wars reveals that despite losing his father young, Boba Fett shared much of these skills, and even in the character’s theatrical debut, he was positioned as the “next big villain” after Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back.

However, Han Solo kicks Boba Fett into the Sarlacc pit in The Return of the Jedi fairly easily. Boba Fett’s ability to survive is remarkable, demonstrating his resilience and brute strength to force himself out of the creature. In The Tragedy, the former Bounty Hunter can also brutally take down a unit of Stormtroopers.

However, although he is still a fantastic fighter, he is past his prime by the time of The Mandalorian.


The Direct Image

Grogu may be the smallest member on this list, but he's by no means the weakest. 

In the first season of The Mandalorian, this adorable force-sensitive was able to telekinetically lift a charging mudhorn in the air, saving Din Djarin's life. When angry, he is also known to have strangled Cara Dune and was later revealed to have the ability to heal serious injuries and even cure poison.

This all happened before Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had even trained him in From The Desert Comes a Stranger, the sixth episode of The Book of Boba Fett, and demonstrates Grogu's impressive natural talent in the force. Grogu has experience in the Jedi Temple too, and in remembering that he is able to draw upon centuries of Jedi teaching to consolidate his skills even more.

Fans will also know that he shares his species with Yoda meaning that he has immense natural potential in the Force. As he grows and gains more experience with his powers, and combined with the Mandalorian teachings that Din Djarin will undoubtedly pass onto his son, this fan-favorite foundling is sure to go onto some incredible feats.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker carrying Grogu on his back

Luke Skywalker, Star Wars’ original protagonist, made a legendary return to live action in The Mandalorian Season 2 finale. His prowess was on display as he single-handedly took down a whole unit of Death Troopers with only his lightsaber and the Force. 

This former Tatooine farmhand has trained extensively since he helped bring about the empire’s demise in the Original Trilogy, and his skills have significantly improved. Luke was able to retrieve Grogu and went on to become the perfect mentor, given his understanding of what it’s like to yearn for a father.

While he still has some way to go, the former Rebel pilot has his father’s skill in the Force. His lifelong struggle between light and dark may also mean he is likely to draw on it compared to other Force-sensitives on this list. 

However, his haphazard training and lack of experience with others of his kind are still a limitation, especially compared to others in the series.

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano

Dave Filoni has referred to Ahsoka Tano as Luke Skywalker’s “senior,” and the beloved Torguta has much more experience than Luke. 

Trained at the temple and on the battlefield from a young age, Ahsoka was taught by the chosen one himself, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was the youngest to ever take down a sith during the events of The Phantom Menace

While Kenobi did teach Luke, their time was short, whereas Ahsoka spent years in both his and Anakin’s tutelage. As she also spent her life in the Jedi Temple, she took part in classes and training sessions that had stood the Jedi in great stead for centuries.

While Anakin’s son spent much of his life toiling on his Uncle’s moisture farm from a very young age, Ahsoka spent her life in battle, making her combat experience and skills in the Force second to none.

- About The Author: Alycia Leach
Alycia Leach is a writer at The Direct. She joined The Direct in November 2020 and prides herself on being a lifelong gamer and Star Wars fan.