Zack Snyder has been hard at work now that the Snyder Cut has been officially unveiled, offering previously unseen footage as well as hints for more teases soon. Comments also came out from Snyder about how he hoped to reveal the project's existence without the restraints of COVID-19.
Beyond this, however, it is unknown whether Zack Snyder's Justice League will continue the future of the team beyond its 2021 release on HBO Max, or whether a new incarnation of the Justice League will carry the baton going forward.
In other areas of the Justice League branding, J.J. Abrams was reportedly involved with developing a Justice League Dark movie after his company, Bad Robot Productions, entered a media deal with WarnerMedia last year.
Warner Bros. now seems to have separate plans for the superhero team in the form of a new film...
According to Jeremy Conrad at DCEU Mythic, Warner Bros. is developing a movie focused on the "Justice League: Rebirth" comic storyline. This would be a soft reboot separate from Zack Snyder's Justice League, with The Flash being the catalyst for it.
Conrad speculates that should the project go forward, director J.J. Abrams and writer Christina Hobson could be positioned as Kevin Feige-type figures to plan out the future of the DCEU.
Suicide Squad director David Ayer also weighed in on the rumor, re-tweeting the article with a series of emojis:
Rebirth was DC's latest headlining comic book run encompassing all areas and characters of the DC Comics universe. It was used as a soft reboot to the universe to garner new readers in a similar fashion to The New 52. Warner Bros.' supposed use of this moniker indicates a soft reboot of the DCEU's version of the Justice League.
This would allow DC to retain characters that have already been financially and critically successful, such as Wonder Woman and Aquaman, as well as add new versions of characters to the roster. This also seems similar to what DC is doing with The Suicide Squad, which seems to be a soft reboot/sequel to the original Suicide Squad from 2016. Conrad notes that The Flash would cause this reboot to occur, similar to how Flashpoint caused The New 52 in the comics. This would allow for an in-universe reason for slightly different incarnations of characters to come about.
Conrad's speculation of J. J. Abrams somehow being involved would make sense. Abrams previously wrote a Superman script called Superman: Flyby, but the project never went forward. With Bad Robot working closely with WarnerMedia, there is potential for Abrams to finally try his hand at a DC project.
Ayer's comments on this article are slightly contradictory, but him sharing the article at all could be a good indication that there is some credence to this rumor. The director has been campaigning for his own 'Ayer Cut' for Suicide Squad, but it is unknown whether Ayer is currently involved with DC or if these are wishful attempts by him to get back in the editing suite.