Many fans noticed that Charlotte did not make an appearance in Henry Danger: The Movie, leading to questions about where she is and if Riele Downs (the actress who portrays Charlotte) will ever return to the franchise.
The Henry Danger movie was a major release for the Dangerverse. After Henry Danger and Danger Force aired on Nickelodeon from 2014-2020 and 2020-2024, respectively, the recently released film was the first feature in the franchise.
The Henry Danger movie has performed extremely well since its premiere. It debuted on both Nickelodeon and Paramount+ (where it is still streaming), and even held down the number one spot in the streaming service's top 10 movies for a few days, causing many to wonder what that could mean for a potential sequel.
Is Charlotte In Henry Danger: The Movie

When Henry Danger: The Movie was released, one of the biggest questions viewers had was where Charlotte was.
Riele Downs played Charlotte Page in every episode of Henry Danger. She was undoubtedly one of the show's main characters and protagonists, making it quite strange that she didn't even briefly show up in Henry Danger: The Movie.
Also worth noting is that Charlotte was the only main cast member from the original show who was not featured in the movie. Even Captain Man, who retired at the end of Danger Force, made a special cameo at the end of the flick that could have major implications for the future of the Dangerverse.
Now, knowing that she was the only one to not appear, many likely want to know why she was absent.
Why Is Charlotte Not In Henry Danger's Movie?
There are a few potential reasons Riele Downs wasn't able to be a part of Henry Danger: The Movie, and there is also an in-universe reason for Charlotte's absence.
In the Dangerverse, Charlotte was too busy with her studies to join the fight in the Henry Danger movie. Specifically, early on in the movie, Piper revealed that Charlotte was attending Harvard, but that was the only explanation for her absence.
Charlotte was mentioned a few more times in the movie (her name appeared in the script four times to be exact), but nothing beyond that.
However, some may still be a little confused at why she didn't at least make a cameo, especially considering she was the only main cast member from the original show not to appear in some capacity (read more about the movie's full cast here).
It seems as though it could have been easy for Downs to come to the set for a couple of days and film even just one scene, but she may have had more pressing priorities.
For example, Downs could have been filming another project while the Henry Danger movie was in production. She will be playing a major character in a film called A Breed Apart (which will be released sometime soon), a movie that was filmed around the same time as Henry Danger.
Specifically, Henry Danger: The Movie was reportedly filmed from March 11 to April 18, 2024. The exact dates that A Breed Apart was filmed aren't entirely clear, but thanks to an Instagram post, it can be inferred that filming was going on in May 2024.
It is possible the two projects overlapped, which would have hindered Downs' ability to make an appearance in Henry Danger, but even if they didn't, she could have had priorities tied to A Breed Apart that didn't allow her enough time to even make a cameo in Henry Danger.
Downs is not the only actor from the Dangerverse to exit the franchise, as another original series cast member made a mysterious exit and has not been seen since.
Henry Danger: The Movie is streaming on Paramount+.