Morfydd Clark's Galadriel finally received one of her own Rings of Power in Amazon Prime Video's The Rings of Power Season 2, and many are wondering what specific powers it has.
Galadriel spent most of Season 1 looking for Sauron but was disheartened after she learned she had been deceived by him and he had been under her nose the entire time disguised as Halbrand.
The end of Season 1 finally featured the creation of the first Rings of Power, with three being made for the Elves so they could hopefully save Lindon and stay in Middle-earth.
What Powers Does Galadriel's Ring Have?

Early on in The Rings of Power Season 2, Cirdan brings the three rings made for the Elves to Lindon where he, Gil-galad, and Galadriel each put one on.
When that happens, the tree there in the city grows brand new leaves and shines extremely bright, signifying that they will not need to leave Middle-earth. However, each of the three rings is different, and Galadriel's may be the most powerful.
The Ring of Power that Galadriel wears is referred to as Nenya in the source material and is also known as the Ring of Water. It is important to note that each of the three rings the Elves use is tied to a specific element, with Galadriel's being water.
However, that does not mean Galadriel has control over water or can use water as a weapon.
It is also important to briefly mention that (and Season 2 touched on this) the three Elves' rings were not directly touched by Sauron, which means that his influence over them is not nearly as great as it will be over the other Rings of Power.
In the source material, Galadriel does not use her ring in the Second Age, but she does use its preservation powers in the Third Age to almost stop time in Lothlorien.
Fans will remember Lothlorien in The Fellowship of the Ring as the place where Galadriel and a lot of the Elves lived. Due to the power of her ring, Lothlorien almost never aged.
Another power that Nenya has is protection. Like their power to preserve, all three rings also granted some form of protection to the wearer and the ring's surrounding area, but it seemed to be more intense with Galadriel.
Just as Lothlorien was preserved by her ring, it was also highly protected, and evil could not enter into the forest.
It is also important to note that Galadriel's ring likely increased her power, as every other Ring of Power in Middle-earth did that for its wearer.
So, Galadriel's ring can be used for preservation to the point where it is almost as if things and places do not age, can protect places like Lothlorien to where evil cannot even enter in, and enhances Galadriel's powers.
How Will Galadriel Use Her Ring in The Rings of Power?
As mentioned, Galadriel does not really use her ring in the source material during the Second Age, but seeing as how she is the main character of The Rings of Power and has had a much more active role in the show, it would not be surprising if she did put it to use.
For example, the ring increases her abilities. This will make her stronger and more formidable in battle, which could be coming at any moment as teased in the Season 2 trailer.
As Sauron grows stronger, the Elves will need protection more than ever, and Galadriel may use her ring to do just that.
It is also possible that, in a future season of The Rings of Power, the creation of Lothlorien will be shown on-screen. If that happens, fans can expect to see Galadriel use the ring to preserve that place and maybe even help in creating it.
While the show has tried to stay somewhat faithful to the source material, it has deviated in many ways. So, Galadriel's ring could end up possessing more powers in the show than it did in the source material.
If that is the case, then she will most definitely use it in the coming episodes and seasons in ways not present in the books.
If you want to know more about what powers the other 2 Elven rings of power have and how they differ from Galadriel's, read our full breakdown here!
The Rings of Power is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video and new episodes are released every Thursday.
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Rings of Power Season 2 Release Date Schedule (Official)
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