Star Wars is about to jump back into the spotlight as Obi-Wan Kenobi readies for launch into streaming hyperspace. This Disney+ series focuses on Ewan McGregor's iconic Jedi as he evades the watchful gaze of the Empire and its Jedi-hunting Inquisitors. This is the first time that McGregor will reprise his prequel-era role, and will do so alongside his Star Wars running mate Hayden Christensen, who is back as Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker.
Despite the show debuting in just a few short weeks, specific story details remain sparse. There have been talks of multiple cameos and the involvement of a young Leia and Luke, but other than that, things remain shrouded in mystery.
This low fog that sits over Obi-Wan has caused the theory-spinning wheels to turn fervently across the internet. But it might be time to hold off on predicting what will happen in the show, as McGregor himself has said that nobody will expect what is to come in the Disney+ epic.
Obi-Wan Remains a Mystery

Talking with Associated Press, Obi-Wan Kenobi star Ewan McGregor broke down the secrecy surrounding Lucasfilm's latest Disney+ project, from before it was announced all the way up to release.
McGregor said that he watches trailer breakdowns for the series online, noting "mainly they’re wrong," but acknowledged that they are still "quite funny to watch:"
"I like to look on people’s reaction to the trailers, the teaser trailer and then the real trailer. And there are all these people that like break it down and are telling their audience what the series is about. And, you know, mainly they’re wrong. So, that’s quite funny to watch.”
He also broke down having to keep his return to the role of Kenobi a secret, showing love for Disney's passion for preserving "the experience for the fans" who are "seeing something for the first time:"
“You know, what I like about Disney and Lucasfilm is that they are really passionate about keeping the experience for the fans of seeing something for the first time without already knowing the storyline."
Mcgregor said that he had to "sort of not tell exactly the truth" when asked if he was coming back, and this resulted in fans thinking Disney was maybe looking at "someone else to play the part" in a potential Obi-Wan spin-off:
"So part of that is like not telling people that a film’s happening too far in advance. But that meant for me that I had to sort of not tell exactly the truth when I was asked. So people were saying ‘would you do it if Disney wanted to do an Obi-Wan Kenobi spin-off? Would you do it?’ And I knew we were doing it. And I’d have to go ‘Oh you know, if they wanted to do it I’d be happy to do it. It started looking a bit like they were maybe thinking of someone else to play the part. I’d see online people saying ‘They better cast Ewan!’ And I was like ‘Alright, alright.’ Its kind of a bit humiliating."
What Are You Hiding Kenobi?
It is quite funny to see that Ewan McGregor is as connected to the fandom as he seems to be. He outright addresses the theories he has seen online and says none of them actually hold any water. So what is he hiding then?
Perhaps this is another case of him not exactly telling the truth. Some speculation surrounding the series has been around other characters that are going to appear in the project, with one of the most prevailing fan theories being that Qui-Gon Jinn will show up at some point.
Now whether a force ghost of Kenobi's former master will show up is still up in the air, but this could be a case of McGregor seeing that theory, giggling to himself and then lying through his teeth as to preserve the surprise for fans.
And that will surely be the strategy, even if someone were to exactly predict the series' events beat for beat. McGregor and the other stars will bite their tongue, keeping as much hidden away from fans as possible before it all plays out on Disney+.
Obi-Wan Kenobi begins its five-week streaming run on May 27.