In just over two weeks, the long awaited debut of Obi-Wan Kenobi will take the galaxy by storm. Ewan McGregor is set to return as the titular Jedi Master, bridging the gap between the character's last appearance in Revenge of the Sith as he transitions into the hermit Old Ben in A New Hope. As he embarks on an epic adventure, forces of evil will be in hot pursuit, leading to a confrontation between Kenobi and his fallen pupil, Darth Vader.
Forced to leave Tatooine for an important mission, Obi-Wan is set to go up against several Inquisitors who seek to destroy the few remaining Jedi. The Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother will be involved in the hunt, making the transition from their animated appearances in Star Wars Rebels to live-action. Both trailers and several interviews have hinted that Reva, the Third Sister, will play a key role in tracking Kenobi down, and the new antagonist seems to have a personal vendetta for him.
When his underlings inevitably fail to bring Kenobi to his knees, Hayden Christensen's Darth Vader will join the fray for what's sure to be a chilling and emotional reunion between the former friends. All this Jedi and Sith business means lightsabers are going to be flashing left and right, allowing for civilized combat to take place. Ahead of the series' release, Lucasfilm has shared detailed looks at the elegant weapons set to appear.
Star Wars Shares Images of Lightsabers in Kenobi
The official Obi-Wan Kenobi Twitter account has revealed close looks at five lightsabers that will be involved in the show.
Naturally, the first weapon shared belongs to Obi-Wan himself, displaying a cross between its appearance in Episodes III and IV:

The iconic lightsaber of Darth Vader returns for the rematch he craves with his old master:

Making its debut in the Star Wars universe alongside its owner is Reva's unique double-bladed saber:

Before its destruction in Rebels, the Fifth Brother's lightsaber will join the live-action world as well:

The last weapon revealed belongs to the Grand Inquisitor, already seen in its spinning glory in footage from the show's trailers:

Red in a Sea of Blue
The Dark Side is well represented in these images, but hope always prevails. Obi-Wan will likely be clashing blades with each of the villainous weapons shown, to varying degrees of success. The teaser and trailer have yet to actually show Obi-Wan with his lightsaber drawn, instead focusing on the Inquisitors making threats with their red blades. Both Kenobi and Vader's lightsabers have been seen many times, but the first ignitions from each in the show will be well worth the wait.
Appearing for the first time in live-action, the Inquisitors' lightsabers is especially gratifying for Rebels fans. Few would've expected that the spinning weapons introduced in 2014 would play a big role in a project as monumental as Obi-Wan, but the interconnectedness of the canon is truly paying off. The Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother's lightsabers are perfect recreations of their representations in animation, much like Ahsoka's are in the MandoVerse.
Reva's lightsaber follows a very similar pattern to those of her fellow Inquisitors, though her preference appears to be fighting with a semicircle. However, the Grand Inquisitor's lightsaber could take the same form in Rebels and the other side would be triggered to activate the spinning - the same could be the case for Reva's. It's interesting to note that she's routinely referred to by her given name and not "Third Sister," which implies that there's a much bigger arc in store for the character than her peers.
Beyond the epic duels on the horizon, there are great merchandising opportunities for collectors at play. It would be shocking if the listed lightsabers didn't become available for sale at Galaxy's Edge at some point; Vader's has been there since the park opened in 2019, and Obi-Wan's classic hilt is surely on the way. Releasing the Inquisitors' weapons would be a great way to expand the catalog of products by giving fans several unique options.
Obi-Wan Kenobi debuts on Disney+ on May 27.