Eternals is filled with notable connections to the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film introduced a plethora of new and interesting characters to the franchise while also telling a story that spanned millennia. Eternals boasts a stellar cast that includes Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Salma Hayek, Gemma Chan, and Kit Harington, and it is anchored by the directing prowess of Oscar-winning director Chloé Zhao.
While the film saw mixed reception from fans and critics, it still managed to set up significant plot points that could shape the MCU moving forward.
Eternals introduced Thanos' brother Starfox in its mid-credits scene, thus teasing a larger role in the future that could also explore more of the Mad Titans' backstory. In addition, Mahershala Ali's Blade was introduced in the post-credits scene alongside Dane Whitman and the Ebony Blade, seemingly setting up a team-up down the line.
Aside from the major Phase 4 connections, Eternals also includes fun nods to the Infinity Saga, such as name-dropping Iron Man and Captain Steve Rogers. Now, another engaging Easter egg from the movie has emerged.
Kingo is a Captain America Fan
During the Eternals' audio commentary, MCU director Chloé Zhao revealed an interesting connection between Kumail Nanjiani's Kingo and Captain America.
Zhao confirmed that the shields used in Kingo's Bollywood dance number were inspired by Steve Rogers' Captain America:
"Look, Captain America's shield! Yay, it's here! I'm so excited that we did the shield."
Zhao continued to discuss the impressive Bollywood sequence, with the director praising everyone involved in the scene:
"It was probably one of the most moving things that I've seen, because everyone is so dedicated. The choreographer, the whole team, they even came up with the song, as well... The way they just rallied around Kumail [Nanjiani] and supported him. It was a joy to work with this team."
It's worth pointing out that this isn't the first time that a Captain America Easter egg was showcased in Eternals.
In Kingo's Jet, a replica of Cap's shield can be seen in the background:
The shield was first featured in 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger. A deleted shot from the trailer showing Sprite singing her heart out also highlighted the iconic shield:
The MCU Connection Hits Hard
This latest Easter egg cements the interconnected nature of the MCU in its massive slate of films. Given that Eternals is a relatively new property, the presence of a star-spangled Easter egg is a notable addition that could serve as a reminder for casual fans.
Kumail Nanjani's Kingo takes a unique journey in relation to the other Eternals in the movie. After successfully helping his fellow Eternals eliminate the Deviants, Kingo became a successful Bollywood actor across several generations.
The fact that the Eternal doesn't age gave him an advantage over the years, and it also gave him access to the vast history of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Based on this reveal, it looks like Kingo recognized Steve Rogers' heroism, and him placing a replica of the iconic shield on his private jet goes to cement that claim.
The character's admiration for Captain America could also help explain why his Bollywood film uses star-spangled-inspired props. It remains to be seen if Kingo met Steve Rogers at some point in his long life, but it's safe to say that he had the utmost respect for the First Avenger.
While Rogers appears to be gone from the current MCU, there's a strong chance that Kingo will eventually meet his successor, Sam Wilson, down the line. If it ever happens, it allows Kingo to share his admiration for the original Captain America while also forging a new bond with Wilson.
Eternals is now streaming on Disney+.