With Spider-Man: No Way Home being one of the biggest films of all time, it would seem that general audiences have now been properly acquainted with the Multiverse. Tom Holland's adventure saw big-name heroes and villains cross over from their universes and into the MCU. This included names such as Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker or Alfred Molina's Doc Ock. The foundation for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has been perfectly set, and the audience may, or may not, be ready for a deep dive into the infinite possibilities those alternate universes will bring.
Not much is known about the film’s plot, but the recent trailer indicated that a dark version of Benedict Cumberbatch’s hero will be a big issue for the MCU’s Doctor Strange and Sorcerer Supreme. Wanda also seems to be needed, but the footage teases something dark within her newfound knowledge thanks to the Darkhold.
There’s another threat that has been revealed through marketing who seems like they’re going to be one of the key antagonists of the Multiverse adventure: Gargantos. The monster is basically one big eyeball with eight large tentacles attached around it.
Now fans can get another look at the strange creature thanks to new promotional art.
Doctor Strange Villain Gets the Spotlight
Merchandise for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has been listed online thanks to Amazon, and the new promotional art showcases everyone's favorite one-eyed tentacle monster: Gargantos.
The villain can be seen in all of its glory in the image below, with what seems to be a Multiversal portal behind it.

The next one showcases the creature in a strikingly stylish design, with its many tentacles at the ready.

Gargantos goes nuts in this design, with bright colors and a funky style; you can see the crazy in its eye.

This next one puts the focus on Gargantos' eye, with the design resembling the Eye of Agamotto.

The final new image shows Gargantos lingering above Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange, Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch, Xochitl Gomez's America Chavez, and Benedict Wong's Wong.

Gargantos Vs. Doctor Strange
With all the focus that marketing is putting on Gargantos, one would think he's most certainly a key protagonist.
It would make sense if he was. Many have called out how his design is exactly that of Shuma-Gorath, an ancient being whose powers rival that of gods. It's possible Marvel Studios went with a different name to throw fans off.
On the other hand, Garantos, who has ties to Namor in the comics, may just be a simple monster that the heroes face for a few minutes. Think of it as a brief pit stop of their journey through the Multiverse.
Those tentacles should also be familiar to those who watched What If...?. It's not confirmed to be the same creature, but there's a high probability that it is, which would make for a massive connection from the movies to the Disney+ series'.
While Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness once came out in March of this year, it has since been delayed until May 6. Only five months to go until fans can see the insanity that the Multiverse has to bring.