Dingo Dinkelman Passes Away After Snake Bite: YouTuber Honored by Family & Friends

This big-name reptile YouTuber sadly passed away after coming face to face with a dangerous animal.

By Klein Felt Updated:
Dingo Dinkelman holding a snake

YouTube star Dingo Dinkelman passed away after sustaining a venomous snake bite. 

Dinkelman was well-known online for his passion for reptiles. His channel spotlighted scaly creatures, including highly venomous snakes, lizards, and frogs. 

The popular YouTuber amassed over 107,000 subscribers on the video-sharing platform, posting consistently since March 2020. 

What Happened to Dingo Dinkelman?

Dingo Dinkelman on YouTube holding a snake
Dingo Dinkelman

YouTuber Dingo Dinkelman made headlines at the end of September 2024 as it was revealed to his fans that he had been bitten by one of the venomous snakes he is known for featuring on his channel. 

As shared in a Facebook post by his wife, Kirst, a snake bit Dinkelman, and "unfortunately, due to his allergy to snake venom," it sent him into "anaphylactic shock:"

"Hi everyone. It's Kirst here. (Dingo's wife) I just wanted to give you guys an update on our current situation. This last week, Dingo had a venomous snake bite which, unfortunately, due to his allergy to snake venom, sent him straight into anaphylactic shock."

At the time, the future of the content creator was uncertain, but his family seemed fairly optimistic, noting that he was "in an induced coma" and was being "heavily sedated to give his body as much of a fighting chance to fully recover:"

"Fortunately, we were able to rush him straight to hospital. He is currently in the ICU, on a ventilator, and in an induced coma. The doctors are keeping him heavily sedated to give his body as much of a fighting chance to fully recover. We have a very long road ahead of us. But Dingo is being cared for by an incredible team of amazing doctors and nurses whom we are so grateful for."

Fans were updated yet again in the ensuing weeks, with Dinkelman's wife writing on Facebook, "Dingo is still in ICU" and "He continues to fight with all his strength:"

"Hi, everyone, I wanted to send an update to let you know how Dingo is doing. At the moment, Dingo is still in ICU. He continues to fight with all his strength, and so we continue to have hope in his recovery. Thank you so much for all the support we have received and for everyone who has reached out. We continue to be overwhelmed with messages of love and concern. Please know that we are so grateful, even if we don't have a chance to respond to every message that we receive. Please continue to hold him up in your prayers."

Tragic Update on Dingo Dinkelman Shared by Wife

Now, more than three weeks after Dingo Dinkelman was first admitted into the ICU, his family shared a tragic update on the reptile-loving YouTuber. 

In a message written by Kirst Dinkelman and posted on a fan page devoted to Dingo and his work on Facebook, she revealed to fans that her husband had tragically succumbed to his injuries on Saturday, October 26. 

Dinkelman told fans, "Dingo fought incredibly hard throughout this very difficult period," but "despite his strength and resilience, my beloved husband passed away peacefully today, surrounded by his family:"

"Dingo fought incredibly hard throughout this very difficult period. We know that he was fighting to be here with us, and we are so grateful for this. Sadly, despite his strength and resilience, my beloved husband passed away peacefully today, surrounded by his family. 

His presence has brought so much warmth, love, passion, and laughter to our lives, as well as all of those who knew him, loved him, and supported him.  We love you, Dingo, and we will always celebrate your incredible impact on each of our lives."

She also thanked her husband's supporters for "all [of their] incredible support and the love:"

"I want to start off by thanking you all for your incredible support and the love that we have felt over the past few weeks; today is one month since the incident, and we have experienced such comfort and love from your messages and prayers from all over the world."

Since his passing, tributes have come pouring in for Dingo from fans and fellow wildlife enthusiasts. 

YouTuber Dav Kaufman eulogized Dinkelman in a post on Facebook, saying, "You'll be very missed, my friend:"

"Very sad day. I just learned that as of a couple of hours ago, fellow creator and friend Dingo Dinkleman succumbed to the bite of a green mamba. He fought so hard for so long. But having an allergic reaction to the venom and going into anaphylactic shock, placing him in a coma for weeks, was just too much, even for the strongest of us. You'll be very missed, my friend."

Online creator Wicken's Wicked Wildlife shared a similar sentiment, calling Dingo an "inspiration and one of the true good guys in the reptile industry:"

"I was looking through old video and found this frame. Dingo was an inspiration and one of the true good guys in the reptile industry. This frame might be the only time I spoke to Dingo and wasn’t laughing. Every call or text or meeting was always just jokes and a fun time. Dingo, you will be missed greatly. I can only imagine the back-and-forth between you and Brian right now. RIP Brother."

The heaps of praise for the late reptilian-lover did not stop there, with many others sharing their memories of the beloved YouTube personality. 

"The world has lost an absolutely incredible human being," YouTuber Kevin McCurley wrote in his tribute to Dingo, pointing out "Dingo’s passion, kindness, and outgoing personality:"

"The world has lost an absolutely incredible human being. Dingo Dinkelman has sadly passed away after being bitten by a green mamba about a month ago. Dingo’s passion, kindness, and outgoing personality will be remembered forever. We send all of our love to the Dinkleman family, and NERD will always be here for anything you all need. Say hi to Brian; we find some small level of peace knowing you two are together again."

Dingo Dinkelman's last upload was over a month ago, and the future of his channel is unknown.

The Direct sends its heartfelt condolences to Dingo Dinkelman's family, friends, and colleagues.

- About The Author: Klein Felt
Klein Felt is a Senior Editor at The Direct. Joining the website back in 2020, he helped jumpstart video game content on The Direct. Klein plays a vital role as a part of the site's content team, demonstrating expertise in all things PlayStation, Marvel, and the greater entertainment industry.