Captain Marvel hasn't been seen on the big screen for Marvel Studios since 2019's Avengers: Endgame, when she blasted into battle alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes against the Mad Titan Thanos. This included a moment where she fought alongside over half a dozen other female heroes from the MCU's long history, giving the franchise its first tease for the A-Force as they heroically charged forward to fight the alien enemies.
This scene has seen its fair share of critics since it made its mark on the MCU, even for only seeing a couple of minutes of screen time in what was otherwise the biggest movie in Marvel Studios history. Heck, The Boys even made fun of it directly as part of its own impressive run on Amazon Prime.

But now, as Carol Danvers moves towards her second MCU solo adventure, The Marvels, the sequel's director looked back to that moment and what annoyed her about it as the Infinity Saga came to a close.
The Marvels Director on Endgame Female Hero Moment
Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, The Marvels director Nia DaCosta reflected on the all-female hero team-up moment from 2019's Avengers: Endgame, which was led by Brie Larson's Captain Marvel.
DaCosta remembered watching that moment, but while she admitted that she "had chills," she was "also very annoyed" when she saw it. This was only because the moment was so short, leading her to want to see an entire movie with female heroes together ahead of her efforts to bring Captain Marvel alongside Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan:
“I, like many women around the world, watched Avengers: Endgame, and had that six seconds of all the Marvel women together. I once had chills, but I was also very annoyed. I was like, 'Two hours of this, please.’ So it was really nice that they decided to do a team-up movie with three of my favorite heroes, so that’s what was most exciting.”
Additionally, DaCosta noted how big of a fan she's been of Marvel over the years, having always wanted to join the MCU in some form:
“I’ve been a huge Marvel fan for the longest time, loved the movies. And so, I always knew I wanted to be a part of the universe.”
Looking at the movie itself, DaCosta teased Carol's reunion with Monica Rambeau opposite Kamala's relationship with both of the older heroines, seeing a parallel between those interactions. With Monica having looked at Carol the way Kamala looks at both of them now, DaCosta sees a lot of room for some interesting story points as "they become a little bit of a sisterhood:"
“While Carol and Monica are having to find their relationship again after all this time apart, we have Ms. Marvel who idolizes Carol in the way that Monica used to when she was younger. So, you have these two adults having to reconcile their relationship while this younger person is also having a relationship that mirrors the way Monica and Carol used to be together. So I find it really interesting to see them together and how they become a little bit of a sisterhood with their own different points of view. It’s actually really nice and fun and very sweet watching them all work together.”

Larson also shared how great it was to not have to carry the entire load in this movie, with everybody having to play a part in the journey. This also drives Carol Danvers' own story forward as she still holds onto "this mantle that she’s the mighty Captain Marvel," realizing that it may be "too much to carry" on her own:
"I didn’t have to carry all of it, and I think that’s part of what the journey is for Carol in this, is understanding that…to change the world can never just be on one person. It takes everybody to play their part, and that’s a huge part of what this story is about, that this concept that she’s holding this mantle that she’s the mighty Captain Marvel is too much to carry. And so, you realize that you need a lot of different people with special skillsets to come in and help get the job done."
The Marvels Director Wants More of Endgame Moment
Even while the A-Force team-up moment has its critics, it's clear that Nia DaCosta isn't one of them, having loved what Marvel Studios delivered behind Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame. Seeing the Scarlet Witch and the Wasp alongside characters like Okoye and Pepper Potts for the first time made an impact on millions of viewers, and it set the stage for what's coming with DaCosta's MCU directing debut as three major female heroes join forces.
These relationships will be a big part of what will drive the movie forward, particularly with Carol Danvers in the middle of it all. She'll have Kamala Khan showing her unbridled adoration on one side while handling much more negative energy from Monica Rambeau, all before the three have to join forces to defeat whatever major threat lies ahead of them.
This effort is sure to bring a new dynamic into the MCU with three incredibly powerful heroes fighting alongside one another, and it will hopefully be the first of many instances like this as the Multiverse Saga continues to evolve.
The Marvels will debut in theaters on July 28, 2023.