Following The Mandalorian's Season 2 Luke Skywalker cameo, Lucasfilm announced The Book of Boba Fett for Disney+ in a post-credits stinger where Boba assumed Jabba the Hutt's throne that was last seen in Return of The Jedi. A year later on December 29, 2021, the mysterious series finally debuted offering glimpses of both Boba's past and his new career path on Tatooine.
While both of Lucasfilm's live-action Disney+ series have been centered around Mandalorian bounty hunters, Din Djarin and Boba Fett are definitely two different characters with their own unique histories, particularly since Boba isn't just an original trilogy character but also appeared in the prequel trilogy as well.
In fact, the titular character was far from the only original Star Wars member to appear on-screen in the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett, which included a connection to Luke Skywalker.
Boba Fett Brings Back Camie and Fixer

In Episode 2 of The Book of Boba Fett titled "The Tribes of Tatooine," Boba Fett enters a Tatooine watering hole where a speeder bike gang is abusing the clientele. While Boba lays waste to the rowdy crew and takes their speeders, the two patrons he saves from the gang are actually friends of Luke Skywalker.
Camie and Fixer, along with Biggs Darklighter, were Luke's friends from the Tosche Station and appeared in scenes that were cut from A New Hope. In the 1977 film, Camie was played by Koo Stark while Fixer, or Laze Loneozner, was played by Anthony Forest.

While these Tatooine teens never made it into the finished film, they have been seen or referenced in various Star Wars books and comics through the years where they married each other after Luke and Biggs left the planet.
Technically, Mandy Kowalski's portrayal of Camie and Skyler Bible's as Fixer in The Book of Boba Fett is the duo's first official on-screen canon appearance.
Check out their cut scenes from A New Hope:
Boba Fett Made It to Tosche Station

While these two characters are certainly a deep cut in Star Wars lore, they're yet another instance of The Book of Boba Fett's Jon Favreau acknowledging the fans and the history of that galaxy far, far away. They're also an example of how to masterfully handle fan service and nostalgia and how Star Wars can still tell new, fresh stories alongside familiar characters and settings.
After all, from that opening crawl in A New Hope until now, Star Wars has always been presented as history. This is why the disconnect between the three trilogies has long been one of the franchise's most glaring issues. However, both seasons of The Mandalorian and now The Book of Boba Fett do what the films never could in naturally connecting all three trilogies of movies while also showing some love to the fans.
It's possible that the appearance of Luke's friends from the original trilogy may only be the beginning of Skywalker-related cameos to come. Recent rumors suggest that Han Solo's Harrison Ford may have filmed a cameo for The Book of Boba Fett which, from a story perspective, would be interesting due to their past confrontations.
Regardless, it's unlikely that Camie and Fixer will be the last familiar faces Star Wars fans see in The Book of Boba Fett. But in the meantime, even though Luke never made it to Tosche Station, fans now know that Boba Fett did.
The first two episodes of The Book of Boba Fett are now streaming on Disney+.