Pennyworth has been making headlines in the past weeks due to its new Batman-centric title. Initially, the show's first two seasons were simply titled after Alfred's surname, but it ultimately changed to Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler when it moved to HBO Max from Epix.
Despite that, some of the attention has been directed toward its highly-anticipated third season, especially after a game-changing Season 2 finale where it revealed that Martha Kane delivered a baby girl. As a result of this canon-breaking reveal, the anticipation for Season 3 is high since it is poised to explain why Bruce Wayne has an actual sister.
Now, another new detail about the upcoming batch of episodes has been unveiled.
Pennyworth Season 3's Time Jump Confirmed

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Pop star Paloma Faith, who plays Bet Skyes in Pennyworth, confirmed that Season 3 will be set in the 1970s, jumping forward in time from the show's 1960s setting.
During its first two seasons, the events of Pennyworth happened during the early 1960s.
Instead, Faith casually revealed the new season's time setting while also sharing a dire circumstance for her character:
“We’re in the ’70s now in Pennyworth, we’ve been kidnapped. Things have moved on a bit in terms of inventions.”
The singer-songwriter also teased that Season 3 is "getting a bit more DC:"
“It’s hotting up, it’s getting a bit more DC, more cartoony. It’s quite fun.”
Faith's Bet Sykes served as a villain during the beginning of the series, but she eventually switched sides to become an English League Soldier.
In addition to the actress' comments, the outlet also revealed that a representative from Pennyworth confirmed the time jump to the 70s.
Why The Time Jump in Pennyworth is Important
Pennyworth's confirmed time jump is far more important than fans realize. While this show is set in an alternate world that is not connected to any shared universe such as the DCEU, it's possible that certain elements (and characters) such as Bruce Wayne could show up in the series.
In DCEU canon, Bruce Wayne was born in 1970. Meanwhile, in 2019's Joker which was set in 1981, it was established that its version of Bruce is 10 years old, meaning that the character was also born around the 1970s.
It's possible that Pennyworth's showrunners are taking inspiration Batman's big screen history , indicating that this time jump is intentional. This means that the series could be setting the stage for Bruce Wayne's arrival.
Bruce's potential debut also fits Paloma Faith's remark about Season 3 becoming "a bit more DC." This development could also hint that other established DC characters, such as Lucius Fox, could have a more prominent role in the upcoming season.
Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman's Butler is set to premiere on HBO Max sometime in October.