After a tedious and painful wait, The Batman has finally hit theaters worldwide. Matt Reeves took the Caped Crusader and crafted an entirely new Gotham for the hero to defend. This time, Robert Pattinson is under the cowl, alongside Zoe Kravitz's Catwoman The two go up against Paul Dano's reign of terror as The Riddler as he seeks to get rid of corruption in Gotham City.
While Riddler is the main focus, Colin Ferrell's The Penguin and John Turturro's Carmine Falcone control the city's criminal underbelly. The Dark Knight certainly has plenty of obstacles to face in the new movie.
But the big question now is: what villain will come next? Barry Keoghan's Joker has been rumored for a while, but who does Reeves want in the future spotlight?
Batman Director Teases Hush

In a Q&A session with Twitter Movies, The Batman director Matt Reeves teased the future of Hush, an infamous member of the Dark Knight's rogue gallery that was hinted at during the movie.
When asked what villains the director would like to do next, Reeves was very quick to say that he:"think[s] Hush is a really interesting one to do," but he made it clear that his words "[don't] mean the next one will be Hush:"
"There's so many. I think Hush is a really interesting one to do. There are just—I'll choose Hush. But that doesn't mean the next one will be Hush, I just want to say there are so many, and what we would do next, what we're going to do next, if we have that opportunity, is... it's still in the planning stages, and I have a lot of ideas, so please don't latch onto this and say they're doing a Hush movie. But that is a character that I love that I would love to see done, and maybe we'll get the opportunity to do it. But there are many.
In the comics, Hush is a sociopath by the name of Thomas Elliot who was a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. Elliot attempts to kill his own parents in a bid to inherit their fortune. However, his mother survives, a mishap he attributed to Bruce.
Seeing his former friend in the very position he wanted for himself (inheriting a fortune), Hush set his sights on Wayne and made it his mission to destroy the Dark Knight's life, while making sure none of Batman's other rogues got the kill for themselves.
Who Is Hush In The Batman Movie?
Warning - The rest of this article contains spoilers for The Batman.
At the end of The Batman, the stage has seemingly been set for a possible team-up between the Riddler and Joker, so Reeves is certainly thinking ahead. While Hush didn't appear on screen like Mr. J, per se, he did get a big call out in the film.
The fateful reference happens in regards the reporter named Edward Elliot, who is revealed to be holding secrets that could take down the Waynes. During this informational montage, the word "HUSH" happens to take up the entire screen for a couple of seconds; hard to believe it's a coincidence.
Hush has a lot of competition when it comes to who people want to go up against Pattinson's Batman next. Obviously, the Joker is in play, but the Court of Owls, Mr. Freeze, and Calendar Man have also been mentioned.
With Riddler being the focus of this first film, Hush and Calendar Man could be a little repetitive, as they're both vaguely serial killing types. The others, however, would make for a very different second film.
Even so, it could also be all of the above; maybe Batman will have to deal with a massive prison break at Arkham.
The Batman is now playing in theaters worldwide.