In what seemed to be just a throwaway line of dialogue in Episode 4 of Ahsoka, the Disney+ series actually revealed the tragedy that struck Sabine Wren's family.
Episode 4 of Ahsoka raised the bar in terms of Star Wars storytelling as it continued the story of Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka Tano and Natasha Liu Bordizzo's Sabine Wren in shocking fashion.
The episode had its fair share of plot twists and reveals while also setting up what is to come in the back half of the show.
One gray area in the entire story, however, is the master/apprentice relationship between Ahsoka and Sabine, specifically why the two had a falling out between the end of Star Wars Rebels and this point in the timeline.
What Happened to Sabine Wren's Family?

Warning - The rest of this article contains spoilers for Episode 4 of Ahsoka.
In Episode 4 of Ahsoka, Baylan Skoll and Ahsoka Tano were in the midst of a duel when Baylan got the upper hand on the former Jedi at the edge of a cliff.
Standing behind Baylan was Sabine Wren, with the map to the galaxy that Thrawn is in resting in the palm of her hand.

Ahsoka told Sabine to destroy it, but Sabine hesitated, allowing Baylan to deal a blow to Ahsoka's lightsaber that sent her tumbling over the edge.
When Baylan turned around, he used the Force to get inside Sabine's mind and sense that she couldn't destroy the map because she believed Ezra was the only family that she had left.
Baylan then shockingly revealed that Sabine's family was dead and that they perished on Mandalore.

However, it didn't stop there as Baylan also revealed that they died because Ahsoka didn't trust Sabine.
That means that something happened between the finale of Rebels and Ahsoka's place in the timeline that killed Sabine's family and also that Ahsoka didn't let Sabine go and help them.
How Did Sabine's Family Die?

Ahsoka didn't tell viewers how Sabine's family perished, just that it occurred on her homeworld of Mandalore.
However, it is important to remember back to The Mandalorian, specifically when the Night of a Thousand Tears was being discussed at multiple points throughout that show.

The Night of a Thousand Tears was the point in time when the Galactic Empire destroyed the entire surface of Mandalore during the Great Purge of Mandalore.
This resulted in the deaths of millions of Mandalorians and ultimately made the surface of the planet almost uninhabitable, or so the Mandalorians thought.
This tragedy took place sometime between Rebels and Ahsoka, so it is safe to assume that this was the attack that killed Sabine's parents.
It is also important to note that Sabine's family appeared in Rebels, so fans know that their deaths had to come sometime after that show.
However, the most puzzling aspect of the entire event is why Ahsoka wouldn't have let her padawan go and help not only her people but her blood family.
Why Did Ahsoka Prevent Sabine From Saving Her Family?

Even though Jedi and Force wielders can turn the tide of a battle in just a few moments, it would take an entire army of them to fend off the Empire, especially if most of the attacks were coming from TIE Bombers overhead.
However, knowing how much Sabine's family meant to her, one would assume that Ahsoka would at least travel with her padawan to Mandalore and try to save them along with any others that they could.
Baylan said in Episode 4 that Ahsoka didn't trust Sabine, which ultimately resulted in her family perishing.
Viewers can see from the first few episodes that Sabine isn't in tune with the Force enough to even move a cup, much less utilize it to help save people.
Ahsoka likely thought that if they were to travel to Mandalore, they not only would fail in saving Sabine's family but would also likely be killed themselves.
It had to be a difficult decision but one that the former Jedi thought was necessary for the greater good.
This could also explain the main reason that Ahsoka and Sabine had a falling out prior to the events of Ahsoka.
If Sabine felt that Ahsoka was indirectly responsible for her family dying, that would obviously cause a lot of problems between the two.
Episode 4 of Ahsoka is available to stream on Disney+, and new episodes will be released every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. ET.