Avengers: Endgame blasted its way into theaters in April 2019 and went on one of the most magical theatrical runs of all time. After earning the biggest opening weekend ever by a wide margin, it became the fastest movie ever to reach both $1 billion and $2 billion in worldwide box office revenue. By the time the film left theaters, it had taken the title of the highest-grossing movie of all time at nearly $2.8 billion.
With the movie celebrating the first anniversary of its release, Comicbook.com gave fans the opportunity to enjoy the film through another installment of the Quarantine Watch Party. Previous installments of this series have featured MCU films such as The Avengers, Captain America: Civil War, and most recently, Avengers: Infinity War. These parties have even featured commentaries from some of the masterminds behind the films, most notably Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and 2 director James Gunn.
The viewing of Avengers: Infinity War included commentary from screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and the viewing for the sequel added the voices of the film's directors, Joe and Anthony Russo. Along with a long list of text reveals and behind the scenes videos, 37 different pictures were shared on Twitter from the films' leaders behind the camera. Here is a compilation of all three dozen and one pictures revealed during the Avengers: Endgame Watch Party.
A green-screen model Quinjet inside the Avengers Facility in New York.
Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely on the film's set. Two men that are living their best life.
Josh Brolin complete with Stombreaker-to-the-chest prosthetic and CGI pajamas on set for Avengers: Infinity War. A nightmare-inducing image for sure. Now we know what a grown man with...wait, that may be a little too "Deadpool" for this crowd.
A closer look at the book read by Ken Jeong’s character in the San Francisco storage unit. One of the film's most hysterical cameos.
BTS look at Infinity Gauntlet comics writer Jim Starlin making his cameo in Avengers: Endgame. Almost no one had as much to do with this movie being possible as him.
Cassie Lang actress Emma Fuhrmann’s mostly redacted script. Marvel Studios working as hard as ever to avoid any kind of spoilers.
Screenwriter Christopher Markus BTS in the Iron Man helmet. Although he helped write all three Captain America films, it's obvious which team he sides with.
An alternate scene to introduce Smart Hulk into the movie. This is also the filmmaking crew's tribute to the action classic Die Hard.
BTS picture of Scott Lang’s taco lunch. When you formulate the plan to save half of humanity, you deserve a lunch that won’t get blown away by the Benatar.
BTS looks at the dock and scenery of New Asgard in Norway.
Nothing to see here. Just an NYPD cop car under some rubble during the Battle of New York.
BTS shot of screenwriter Stephen McFeely and Chris Hemsworth as Thor, complete with a Rocket plush doll. Hemsworth is clearly having the time of his life.
BTS look at Durham Cathedral in the UK, the set for 2013 Asgard. This castle has been used as the set for a number of huge movies, including serving as Hogwarts castle in the Harry Potter series.
PSA for anybody passing by the Avengers: Endgame set. Definitely a strange sight for anyone that didn’t know they were on the set of an Avengers movie.
BTS of an unused scene with 2023 Tony Stark looking forward at his 2012 reality doppelgänger. This would have been such a cool part of this scene to keep in the movie.
Rehearsal for 2012 NYC with director Anthony Russo, Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark, ESPN personality Matthew Berry, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor.
BTS from 1970 New Jersey, including the final cameo for Marvel legend Stan Lee. He made cameos in the first 22 movies of the MCU, this one coming posthumously after his passing in December 2018.
Screenwriter Christopher Markus suiting up for his cameo in the 1970 New Jersey scene.
Just an inauspicious 1970 computer, the future home of Arnim Zola’s evil Nazi brain.
A candid shot of Hayley Attwell with screenwriters Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus. These three have been through so much together since they first started collaborating in for Captain America: The First Avenger.
BTS of Captain America wielding Mjolnir and his shield. Cue the raucous standing ovation.
BTS of prop master Russell Bobbit with the Captain America shield.
BTS shot of Chris Evans’ Captain America handing the shield to Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson. The torch has been passed.
BTS of the classic red fedora and purse belonging to SHIELD agent extraordinaire Peggy Carter.
BTS of the final shot of Avengers: Endgame featuring Captain America finally getting his dance with Peggy Carter. True love at its finest.
The second wrap cake to close the film’s shoot. I wonder if Thanos is edible.
BTS of Jeremy Renner and Joe Russo’s daughter Ava from the film’s opening scene. Hawkeye training with his daughter moments before his family turned to dust.
Candid photo of screenwriter Chris Markus, Infinity Gauntlet comic writer Jim Starlin, director Joe Russo, screenwriter Stephen McFeely, and producer Trin Trahn. What a team.
BTS Mark Ruffalo as Smart Hulk, director Joe Russo, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Ruffalo is CLEARLY loving his giant Hulk prosthetic suit.
BTS of directors Joe and Anthony Russo with the original Avengers team and Tom Hiddleston as Loki from the 2012 New York Battle. The team that started the Avengers era with a bang.
Joe Russo with the Avengers: Endgame crew, all in their hometown football teams’ jerseys.
The Robert sandwich, one of the greatest selfies of all time. Director Joe Russo, Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce, Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark, and Director Anthony Russo.
The model of the set for the prison on Thanos' Sanctuary Ship. Nebula was trapped and tortured here before revealing both the location of the Soul Stone in Avengers: Infinity War as well as the footage of her teammates discussing the time heist in Avengers: Endgame.
A candid shot from the 2013 Asgard scene of Rocket stand-in actor Sean Gunn, director Joe Russo, Rene Russo as Frigga, director Anthony Russo, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor.
Director Joe Russo next to a sized to scale cutout of Cull Obsidian. That is one big alien…
BTS of director Anthony Russo, Donald Mustard, director Joe Russo, and Laura Mustard.
Directors Anthony and Joe Russo in the bar from Goodfellas the day of the Ned Leeds / Peter Parker reunion shot.
While fans are stuck inside because of the Coronavirus pandemic, watch parties like this have managed to bring people together and keep the optimism for the future alive. Fans of the MCU have become an even more close-knit family than ever before during these trying times, and having the chance to enjoy the MCU's biggest movie with the men who made it possible has helped to serve as a ray of light for the day things start to turn around.
While nothing was revealed in these photos that changed the landscape of the movie, all of the shots were simply incredible looks into what it was like making arguably the most epic movie in history. There are no definitive plans for the Russo Brothers, Christopher Markus, or Stephen McFeely to return for any future MCU projects. Even if that doesn't change, these four men have made an absolutely huge mark on the biggest movie franchise of all-time.