Recently, The Rise of Skywalker saw its release on home video through streaming and Blu-Ray sets. Though the release included a full-length behind-the-scenes documentary and a few shorts featuring the creative process for sequences seen in the film, there was a notable lack of deleted scenes and bloopers. A full blooper reel has yet to be shared, but a recent clip has surfaced giving us a look at some of Domhnhall Gleeson's gaffes on set.
IGN has posted an official blooper clip on their YouTube account featuring Domhnhall Gleeson and Richard E. Grant performing as General Hux and General Pryde, respectively. The video, shared below, depicts the many attempts at shooting Hux's death and the revelation that he was the Resistance spy.
This is a fun little clip that gives us a nice look at some of the more lighthearted moments on set. Given the nature of Hux's character, it's no surprise that even his death was a goofy moment during production and it seems fitting that Gleeson would forget Pryde's name. Seeing Hux pop up on the Steadfast's bridge with bloody knee wrap and a cane was a genuinely funny moment in the movie, something that appears to be a reflection of the day the scene was shot. It's always neat to see how far a director is willing to let actors go in improvising different takes, as J.J. Abrams seemed to give his cast a lot of leeway if Gleeson's many tries at announcing he was the spy is anything to go by. Perhaps we'll see more clips like this in the coming days. Maybe we'll even see the full blooper reel released online, if one exists. Behind-the-scenes videos are fascinating looks into what it takes to make a film, especially something as big as Star Wars, and even the blooper reels have juicy material. Hopefully Lucasfilm continues to share snippets like this in the near future that will feature goofy moments during the process of making the entire film.