The Mandalorian showrunner Jon Favreau may have hinted at how long Grogu (Baby Yoda) spent time with Luke Skywalker after rescuing him from the Empire.
The Mandalorian Season 2 finale surprised everyone when Luke Skywalker arrived to save the day. However, it also led to Grogu departing Din Djarin's care to have proper Jedi training with Luke.
Despite that, The Book of Boba Fett eventually revealed the reunion between Mando and Grogu, with the latter choosing the Mandalorian over Luke.
How Long Did Grogu Stay With Luke Skywalker?

Speaking with Skytalkers, The Mandalorian showrunner Jon Favreau discussed Grogu's Jedi training with Luke Skywalker.
The Marvel and Star Wars director appears to confirm that Grogu and Din Djarin had been "apart" for two years, indicating that Baby Yoda was with Luke during that period:
“And we know that he started off earlier in the Jedi Temple, we’ve seen flashbacks to that... and then we know that he’s been rescued and spent many years with the Mandalorian--went back with Luke. Now, we’ve been two years apart from him, there, training.”
This revelation led to shocking reactions from fans, with some even questioning the two-year gap.
@Brandon_Bird doesn't believe Favreau's claim of two years, noting the show's "tight onscreen timeline with overlapping events:"
"No, they don't. The show has a tight onscreen timeline with overlapping events, what is he even talking about. Like if you say Din and Grogu were traveling around for "many years," then Boba and Fennec were doing, what, farting around on Tatooine with Slave I for many years?"
@francescoshak pointed out that the events of The Book of Boba Fett made it seem that Grogu was "just beginning his training:"
"what? over many years? Also in the 'Book of Boba Fett' it felt like Grogu was just beginning his tranining.. he couldn’t even jump properly using the force until that episode, I’m confused"
@Aaron_Skyguy said that the gap was not "conveyed well at all" in the series:
"This was not conveyed well at all in the show."
@elwrann couldn't believe the length of Grogu's Jedi training with Luke:
"Grogo was with Luke 2 years and hadn't learned how to raise more than one frog? Come on."
@ImNotReal268 refused to believe Favreau's claim, even saying that the gap was "only a couple of weeks:"
"No, i refuse to believe that. I refuse to believe that we only got to see like 1 episode of the supposed TWO YEARS he was away.
It was only a couple of weeks and i refuse to believe otherwise."
@LukeFlux1 had a valid question about Boba Fett's activities during the two year-gap:
"what the hell was boba fett doing for those two years then?"
@D4hz4hn noted that Luke hasn't aged "at all" during those two years:
"Why hasn't Luke aged at all then lmao"
@joemag_games poked fun at The Book of Boba Fett's subplot of the titular bounty hunter trying to get an appointment with Tatooine mayor Mok Shaiz, saying that it took two years to nab that visit:
"Boba Fett really spent 2 years trying to get a damn appointment with the mayor"
Is Grogu’s Jedi Training Enough to Help Din Djarin?
Considering the events of The Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars fans’ shocking reactions to Jon Favreau’s claim are valid. However, there’s still a chance that The Mandalorian showrunner may have misspoken, and the only way to find out is through Season 3's events.
Two years or not, the important matter is that Grogu still had some Jedi training with Luke Skywalker, which is crucial to The Mandalorian Season 3's story.
Season 3 is shaping up to be a grand affair involving many Mandalorians, meaning that Din Djarin will need all the help that he can get for the eventful clash.
But, how powerful Grogu is ahead of Season 3? Well, good news for Din: Baby Yoda seems poised to handle lurking threats.
Favreau previously said that "Grogu has developed a lot" in the time since The Book of Boba Fett ended, meaning "his Force powers have gotten greater."
It is plausible that Grogu may have practiced his Force powers on his own after he left Luke for Din, indicating that he is still keeping tabs on the learnings from his former Jedi Master.
Hopefully, though, the question of how long Grogu's training with Luke will be answered in Season 3.
The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 1 premieres on Wednesday, March 1, at 12:00 a.m. PT.