Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse producer Phil Lord addressed the audio issues being faced by some viewers.
The animated Spider-Verse is back with more of the ground-breaking visuals the first movie was praised for and another highly-praised story from the creative geniuses of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (The LEGO Movie).
But even with the endless praise and box office success Spider-Verse 2 is seeing, there has been one problem reported but certain audiences around the world.
Following the release of Across the Spider-Verse, some moviegoers have noted issues with the audio playback, particularly citing cases of the volume being too low or below average for a typical theatrical experience.
Spider-Verse 2 Producer Explains Quiet Audio Issues

Producer Phil Lord took to Twitter to address issues with Across the Spider-Verse being played too quietly in certain theaters.
Lord explained what the reference volume (the intended volume level) for Spider-Verse 2 should be and encouraged moviegoers to "ask someone to check" it is set correctly at their theaters:
"Spider-Verse friends! if you get to the theater early and you want a fun mission ask someone to check that the theater volume is set at reference (7)! If it sounds a bit quiet, invite them to turn it up a touch to 7.5! If they give you flack... tell them we said it was okay."
Lord has even gone as far as to get special stickers made to push theater projectionists to play Spider-Verse 2 at its "full volume," indicating the volume issue is stemming from theaters playing the movie below its recommended level:
"Made some stickers for the projectionists out there keeping our eyes and ears happy."

The producer continued to explain how volume seven is recommended as it is "the standard [they] mix to," allowing for the audio design to be "very dynamic and comfortable" for loud playback:
"7 is the standard we mix to. 7.5 might be better in a full house. It’s a very dynamic and comfortable mix so you can play it loud and proud"
He added in a follow-up tweet how, while "every house is different," more packed theaters may find the standard volume "a bit quiet:"
"Every house is different. In my experience in a full house it’s a bit quiet."
Lord appears to be sending these stickers out in mass to theaters to push the movie to be played at its intended reference level to ensure moviegoers can get the best experience possible going forward:
"PROJECTIONISTS!!! I’m sending you all a present."

Will Spider-Verse 2's Audio Issues Be Resolved?
Fortunately, the audio issues with Across the Spider-Verse don't seem to have been massively detrimental to the viewing experience for many. But that doesn't mean it isn't unfortunate many viewers won't get to enjoy the movie with quite the same grandeur, especially with the opening weekend peak now passed.
Sony and the Spider-Verse 2 team will likely be striving over the coming days, as shown by these stickers from Phil Lord, to ensure these issues can be corrected as soon as possible, particularly in time for its second weekend.
These audio issues are particularly unfortunate for the hundreds of hard-working creatives who have spent months and years perfecting the sound for Spider-Verse 2, only for the biggest opening weekend audiences not to get the full experience.
Across the Spider-Verse is playing now in theaters worldwide.