Spider-Man: No Way Home is a celebration of all things Spider-Man. The Tom Holland-led threequel included a plethora of callbacks to previous web-slinging films, which includes Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man trilogy and Andrew Garfield's pair of The Amazing Spider-Man movies. This all became possible due to the film's use of the Multiverse, bringing back the two Spider-Men and several iconic villains like Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin and Alfred Molina's Doctor Octopus.
One films that was heavily referenced in the threequel was 2004's Spider-Man 2. Aside from Molina's emotional comeback as Doc Ock, No Way Home also included other Easter eggs such as the character's iconic "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand" line, as well as alluding to Maguire's Peter Parker having back issues.
Now, another hidden reference to the 2004 superhero film has been unearthed.
No Way Home Includes a Spider-Man 2 Easter Egg
Collider posted an exclusive featurette for Spider-Man: No Way Home, revealing tons of hidden Easter eggs from the threequel.
One hidden detail that fans missed is a scene referencing a key moment from Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man 2.
At the beginning of No Way Home, Peter Parker's identity is revealed to the world by Mysterio. Amid the chaos, one bystander asks Spider-Man, "You're just a kid?"

The featurette confirmed that this is a reference to the scene in Spider-Man 2, where a civilian says “He’s just a kid. No older than my son” after lifting Maguire's Spider-Man into the train. This comes after the iconic scene where the web-crawler successfully stopped the moving train with his web.

The full featurette can be watched below:
An Easter Egg-Filled MCU Adventure
When the identity of Tobey Maguire's web-slinger during Spider-Man 2 was revealed, it served as an emotional moment as the train passengers promised not to reveal it to the rest of the city.
However, during No Way Home, the world of Tom Holland's Peter Parker is turned upside down, and the bystander's comment about him being a child only adds further insult to injury.
It is unknown if Holland's Peter is the same age as Maguire's Peter from Spider-Man 2 during No Way Home. In the 2004 movie, Peter is in college while working other jobs on the side, meaning that he is older than Holland's Peter, who has yet to enroll in MIT during the threequel's events. Still, this doesn't change the fact that they are both young men.
These kinds of Easter eggs make No Way Home stand out from the rest of the MCU films, as it explores interesting parallels that add more meaning to the characters' respective journeys.
Given how massive of a film No Way Home is, hidden Easter eggs like these could still be uncovered as fans rematch the film numerous times in the comfort of their homes.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is now available to stream digitally and via physical media.