After TheBook of Boba Fett wraps up its first season, the eyes of the Star Wars viewing public will turn to Obi-Wan Kenobi. The upcoming Disney+ series will see Ewan McGregor return as Obi-Wan for the first time since the Prequel Trilogy capped things off with Revenge of the Sith. And McGregor will not be alone as Hayden Christensen will reprise his role of AnakinSkywalker a.k.a. Darth Vader.
Aside from these two actors involved and the rumors of a May 2022 release date, not much is actually known about Obi-Wan. Despite this, fan anticipation is at a fever pitch.
Audiences are wondering to what extent Master Kenobi and his former Padawan Anakin will clash. Also looking at the possibility of other familiar faces of the Lucasian lore making themselves known in the series.
Well, the Star Wars faithful may finally have some answers regarding what Obi-Wan will show off when it comes to Vader and Kenobi.
Vader and Kenobi on Disney+

Star Wars insider blog Making Star Wars shared the first hints of what fans will see from Hayden Christensen's Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series.
In a recent post, Making Star Wars' Jason Ward revealed that in Obi-Wan, fans will see Christensen play Darth Vader whenever he has his mask removed or is seen in the bacta tank. Ward also mentioned that Christensen will appear as the Jedi-turned-Sith Lord in flashback sequences that Obi-Wan has of his former pupil, ones that depict a rebellious Anakin in his “From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!” stage from Revenge of the Sith.
Hayden Christensen's Role to Play
It makes sense that Christensen is really only playing Vader in the upcoming Obi-Wan series when his face will be shown. Christensen is known for playing Anakin pre-dark side, so it seems like he will only be present when the villain's bare face will be shown (whether that be in flashback form or in the present moment).
And touching on those flashbacks, this does bring up an interesting question -just what do these little nuggets of exposition hold?
Could this be something as simple as Obi-Wan flashing back to past adventures with his firmer pupil? Or perhaps he is haunted by moments from the pair's climactic Mustafar battle from Episode III? This could make a lot of sense, especially with the recent example of such flashbacks seen in The Book of Boba Fett.
If neither of those is the case, this could also be the place where fans see the rumored rematch between Obi-Wan and Vader. Maybe audiences don't actually get them clashing sabers in the present-day timeline; instead it could be that this slightly aged-up Kenobi looks back on a fight the two have had in the time between the end of Revenge of the Sith and the beginning of this series.
Either way, it is very interesting to know that this storytelling tactic is going to be utilized to further this Obi-Wan/Vader relationship. Whether fans actually get the two interacting on-screen in anything but flashbacks remains to be seen.
All will be revealed soon, as Obi-Wan Kenobi is rumored to debut in May 2022.