The Direct was able to speak with Night Court stars Larcretta (Donna "Gurgs" Gurganous), Nyambi Nyambi (Wyatt), and Gary Anthony Williams (Judge Flobert), where the trio spoke about what they'd want to see with their characters in a potential Season 4.
Night Court follows a group of colorful characters during their night shift at a Manhattan Criminal Court. The cases they deal with on a daily basis bring tons of hilarious chaos and crazy shenanigans—making for a satisfying sitcom experience.
The original version of the show, which began in 1983, ran for nine seasons. The new 2023 reboot is now in its third season.
While many expect a Season 4 to happen, NBC has not yet properly renewed the show.
Here's What the Night Court Stars Want to See In A Hypothetical Season 4

"They Haven't Told Us Anything About What Would Be Happening..."
- The Direct: "Have you heard anything about a Season 4, and hypothetically, if there is one, what do you most want to explore with your character that you have not yet got to do on the show?"
Nyambi Nyambi: So, they haven't told us anything about what would be happening in Season 4, or a Season 4. Please, I would love a Season 4...
I know, and I'm sure there'll be with everything that we've explored this season, I know we'll get to see more exploration of Abby's love life. You'll hopefully see even my love life because you're seeing other aspects of me. Last season, you got to see some of Gurgs' love life. So, you know, it's gotta be my turn, right?
You see Dan Fielding's love life. So much so they brought on the person that you know he was having relations with, Wendie Malick. So, I mean, it's gotta be my turn. So, Sin eason 4, I feel like you'll see some of my love life as well. That's my guess. And then, of course, more zany craziness.
Gary Anthony Williams: I'm crossing the fingers. I hear about it in my own head on the Season 4, yes, in my head, we've already been picked up, and I get to be happy every day driving to work. So that's all I've heard about a Season 4 so far. So we're all waiting on that and crossing the fingers.
What I hope to happen is I want to keep pushing that friendship with he and Dan. I would also love to meet some of Flobert's family, because he's mentioned his wife a couple of times, and they have a very tenuous relationship. I want to see the kind of woman that would put up with Flobert. I would love to see that.
Lacretta: I would love to explore [Donna's] home life. Like, what is that? We know that she has got a huge family. There are two sets of twins that we know of. Is she a twin? That would be fun.
We had the Gurgs, not Gurgs, episode last season when the Duke came to visit. Is there an actual Donna and Diana? Like, what would be her twin? What are her thoughts on having a family of her own? Those are the things that I would like to enjoy going into when we have our fourth season to see more of Gurgs' home life.
How Their Performances Have Involved Over the Course of Night Court

The Journeys of These Characters Have Changed Over Time
- The Direct: "How has your performance of your character changed and evolved over the course of the series?"
Lacretta: I'm definitely a lot more relaxed. You might notice, like in the first season, especially in the cafeteria scene, or anytime I'm sitting like my leg will just be jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, or my hands will be like in fists. I'm so nervous, but I'm a little bit more relaxed.
The leg does not jump as much. I'm more aware that it's happening, and I don't sway as much. So all those nervous things. I feel more at home. And as I get to know my co stars, I feel more comfortable around them, and so I'm able to just kind of relax and just let her play.
Nyambi Nyambi: The first season, or Season 2, for me, shooting that was trying to play it was with everything the writers were writing to put all into all kinds of things that, you know, on the wall, as far as who this guy was, and just taking all of [it.] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Some of them kind of contradicted each other.
But in a way, that was like, I know that only complicates the person, you know, because we're not all just one thing. We're so many different things. Some of those different things contradict each other, right? Cuz we're one thing on Tuesday, we're another thing on Wednesday, you know, you just never know, right?
So it's fun to bring all those things in so that when Season 3 came around, it's just like, Alright, I know it. Let's play. Let's have fun. Let it go, and just. To where I was taking my queues, every single take was different.
I was just having fun, playing, trying to surprise not only the audience, the other characters, or the other actors, and then myself, and just having a blast, sort of knowing how Wyatt is anchored, and then taking it as far as I can... before he's unrecognized.
Gary Anthony Williams: So, when I first came into the series, I came in, it was the end of the first season. It was a one-time role as Judge Flobert. And then, when they brought me back, they didn't need a judge. So they evolved it for me, like suddenly it became the clerk. Then, they needed another lawyer. So for a little bit, I was a lawyer on there, and now I do every weird little job of all, and you keep finding out new stuff about him like he's been involved in real estate.
He's got big ties at the Department of Sanitation. Apparently, he's been doing rap battles, like there's no limit to Flobert, what he can do, and who he is on the show. So it is ever-evolving of what he is. What he is not, we know, is a real employee at the courthouse. He doesn't have a job there.
What Makes Night Court So Successful With Audiences?

"The Lack of Fear of Leaning Into the Ridiculous..."
- The Direct: "Night Court is a wildly successful show, obviously, and even all these years later with the reboot, what do you think is that secret element that makes the show connect with audiences so well?"
Gary Anthony Williams: It's bolder and bolder, the lack of fear of leaning into the ridiculous because it is absolutely ridiculous. It was ridiculous in its original iteration, and it is ridiculous now, and it is getting more ridiculous.
We have to keep it grounded. Like, Flobert has to really believe in what he's doing. We can't go looking all slapsticky, but it's a ridiculous show, and I think there are a lot of audiences out there who really just appreciate the absolute stupidity of it all.
I say that 'Night Court' is stupid funny, and I get to be the stupidest on the show. So I think it's that willingness just to lean into the ridiculousness of it that makes it success, and that's definitely what makes it fun for me.
Nyambi Nyambi: I think one of the first, one of the first things that John [Larroquette] kept, first of all, is John, I think being that he's there from the original and then, you know, still with us for this iteration of it. I think John is that sort of blue, or the spirit of 'Night Court,' as you know, John. And I get a lot of my cues from John...
One of the first things John said was that everyone is good at their jobs. So, Bruce is great at the job... Anyone who's come through the halls, who worked at night court, is great. Even Flobert is great. And to where they can stick him anywhere, you know. So that's first and foremost to then.
So, all the craziness comes to us, you know. And I think that's what people come to expect. They know that we are normal people being put in crazy situations. I think people can relate to that.
Night Court Season 3 is now airing on NBC.